CS+ Code Generator for RL78 (CS+ for CC)

The product name of CubeSuite+, an integrated development environment from Renesas, 
has been changed to "CS+" from V. 3.00.00, which was released on October 1, 2014.

CubeSuite+ Code Generator for RL78, 78K0R, 78K0 is divided into 
CS+ Code Generator for RL78 (CS+ for CC) and CS+ Code Generator for RL78 (CS+ for CA,CX) for supporting CS+ V3.00.00.
For details about changes of CS+ Code Generator for RL78 (CS+ for CA,CX), refer to the following URL:

Changes from V2.21.00 to V2.22.00 (Jan. 20, 2022)

1. Problem Fixed
    (a) In the updated generator, the following problems, which was reported in RENESAS TOOL NEWS Document No. R20TS0545EJ0100, 
           have been fixed:
           1. Callback function setting of CSI and UART
               Applicable MCU: RL78/I1E and RL78/G11(*1) groups
                                           (*1): R5F1054A(16pin), R5F1056A(20pin), R5F1057A(24pin), and R5F1058A(25pin) 
           For details, see the Web page at:

Changes from V2.20.00 to V2.21.00 (Jan. 20, 2021)

1. Problem Fixed
    (a) In the updated generator, the following problems, which was reported in RENESAS TOOL NEWS Document No. R20TS0571EJ0100, 
           have been fixed:
           1. User option byte (000C1H/010C1H) LVD off setting values
               Applicable MCU: RL78/G13A group
           For details, see the Web page at:

Changes from V2.19.00 to V2.20.00 (Oct. 20, 2020)

1. Problem Fixed
    (a) In the updated generator, the following problems, which was reported in RENESAS TOOL NEWS Document No. R20TS0544EJ0100, 
           have been fixed:
           1. When Using the Trace Function of the On-chip Debug Setting
               Applicable MCU: The following devices of the RL78/F15 group (*)
                                           R5F113PG, R5F113TG, R5F113PH, R5F113TH, R5F113PJ, R5F113TJ, R5F113GK, R5F113LK, R5F113MK, R5F113PK, and R5F113TK
                                           (*): Except for R5F113mL (m = G, L, M, P, and T)
           For details, see the Web page at:

    (b) In the updated generator, the following problems, which was reported in RENESAS TOOL NEWS Document No. R20TS0545EJ0100, 
           have been fixed:
           1. Callback Function Setting of CSI and UART
               Applicable MCU: RL78/I1E and RL78/G11(*1) groups
                                           (*1): R5F1054A(16pin), R5F1056A(20pin), R5F1057A(24pin), and R5F1058A(25pin)
           2.  Operation That Cancels Pin Function Assignment of CSI and UART
               Applicable MCU: RRL78/I1E group
           For details, see the Web page at:

Changes from V2.18.00 to V2.19.00 (Jan. 20, 2020)

1. Supported Devices Increased
    - RL78/G13A Group, RL78/I1C Group

2. Problem Fixed
    (a) In the updated generator, the following problems, which was reported in RENESAS TOOL NEWS Document No. R20TS0459EJ0100, 
           have been fixed:
           1. When Using IICA0 or IICA1 as a Single Master System
               Applicable MCU: RL78/F12、RL78/F13、RL78/F14、RL78/F15、RL78/G10、RL78/G11、RL78/G12、RL78/G13, and RL78/G14 group
           2. When Using the R_ADC_Set_ADChannel Function in the A/D Converter
               Applicable MCU: RL78/D1A group: 48- and - 64-pin products, RL78/G1A group: 25- and 32- pin products
                                           RL78/G1F group: 24-pin products, RL78/I1D group: 48-pin products
           For details, see the Web page at:

    (b) In the updated generator, the following problems, which was reported in RENESAS TOOL NEWS Document No. R20TS0472EJ0100, 
           have been fixed:
           1. When Using the Data Flash Library
               Applicable MCU: RL78/F12, RL78/F13, RL78/F14, RL78/F15, RL78/G11, RL78/G12, RL78/G13, RL78/G14, and RL78/I1E group
           For details, see the Web page at:

Changes from V2.17.00 to V2.18.00 (Jul. 22, 2019)

1. Problem Fixed
    (a) In the updated generator, the following problems, which was reported in RENESAS TOOL NEWS Document No. R20TS0432EJ0100, 
           have been fixed:
           1. PLL clock setting of clock generator
               Applicable MCUs: RL78/F13, RL78/F14, and RL78/F15 group
           2. RTC operation clock setting of clock generator
               Applicable MCUs: RL78/F13, RL78/F14, RL78/F15, and RL78/D1A group
           For details, see the Web page at:

Changes from V2.16.00 to V2.17.00 (Jan. 21, 2019)

1. Problem Fixed
    (a) In the updated generator, the following problems, which was reported in RENESAS TOOL NEWS Document No. R20TS0370EJ0100, 
           have been fixed:
           1. Setting Serial UART4
               Applicable MCUs: RL78/I1A group
           For details, see the Web page at:

Changes from V2.15.00 to V2.16.00 (Jul. 20, 2018)

1. Supported Devices Increased
    - RL78/F1E Group

2. Problem Fixed
    (a) In the updated generator, the following problems, which was reported in RENESAS TOOL NEWS Document No. R20TS0313EJ0100, 
           have been fixed:
           1. Writing to Port-Related Registers for Unused Pins
               Applicable MCUs: RL78/I1D group
           For details, see the Web page at:

    (b) In the updated generator, the following problems, which was reported in RENESAS TOOL NEWS Document No.R20TS0290EJ0101,
           have been fixed:
           1. When Opening a Project for RL78/G11 Created by a Previous Version of Code Generator
               Applicable MCUs: RL78/G11 group (20-pin R5F1056A)
           For details, see the Web page at:

    (c) In the updated generator, the following problems, which was reported in RENESAS TOOL NEWS Document No.R20TS0244EJ0101,
           have been fixed:
           1. When Continuous Transfer Mode is Selected in the CSI Configuration
               Applicable MCUs: RL78/D1A, RL78/F12, RL78/F13, RL78/F14, RL78/F15, and RL78/L12 groups
           For details, see the Web page at:

Changes from V2.14.00 to V2.15.00 (Jan. 22, 2018)

1. Supported Devices Increased
    - RL78/G11Group (10pin, 16pin)

2. Added the API working with the Data Flash Library
    Now it is available with the Data Flash Library Type04 Japanese release version (CA78K0R and CC-RL compiler).
    (Even the equipment with which the Data Flash Library is being supported doesn't indicate a GUI.) 
    Select ”Used” in the Setting of the Data Flash Library.
    Download and install the Data Flash Library from the following website.
    For the API working with the Data Flash Library, the library is required to be installed.

Changes from V2.13.00 to V2.14.00 (Jul. 20, 2017)

1. Problem Fixed
    (a) In the updated generator, the following problems, which was reported in RENESAS TOOL NEWS Document No.R20TS0139EJ0100, 
           have been fixed:
           1. Input of Ports P10 and P11.
               (target: RL78/G13 group (20, 24 and 25-pin products))
           2. Port Settings Related to Reset Processing
               (target: RL78/F12 group (20-pin products))

           For details, see the Web page at:

          The following caution was fixed.
            (target: RL78/G11 group)
          When designating ANI20-ANI22 in a change starting channel of operation mode setting using A/D converter,
          a programmable gain amplifier can't be used.

Changes from V2.12.00 to V2.13.00 (Jan. 20, 2017)

1. Problem Fixed
    In the updated generator, the following problems, which was reported in RENESAS TOOL NEWS Document No. R20TS0045EJ0100, 
           have been fixed:
        1. Peripheral I/O Redirection Register 0 (PIOR0)
            (target: RL78/F12, RL78/F13, RL78/F14, RL78/F15 and RL78/G1A groups)  

           For details, see the Web page at:

Changes from V2.11.00 to V2.12.00 (Oct. 5, 2016)

1. Supported Devices Increased
     - RL78/G11 group
     - RL78/L1A group
2. Problem Fixed
     (a) In the updated generator, the following problem, which was reported in RENESAS TOOL NEWS Document No. R20TS0038EJ0100,
           have been fixed:
           1. Scan mode of A/D converter (target: RL78/F12, RL78/F13, RL78/F14, RL78/F15, and RL78/G1A groups) 

           For details, see the Web page at:

     (b) In the updated generator, the following problems, which was reported in RENESAS TOOL NEWS Document No. R20TS0045EJ0100,
           have been fixed:
           1. Peripheral I/O redirection register 0 (PIOR0) (target: L78/G1F group (32- and 36-pin products)) 

           For details, see the Web page at:

Changes from V2.10.00 to V2.11.00 (Apr. 20, 2016)

1. Supported Devices Increased
     - RL78/G1H group
2. Problem Fixed
     (a) In the updated generator, the following problem, which was reported in RENESAS TOOL NEWS Document No. 130701/tn1,
           have been fixed:
           When edited source codes disappear (target: RL78 all groups) 

           For details, see the Web page at:

     (b) In the updated generator, the following problems, which was reported in RENESAS TOOL NEWS Document No. 150716/tn2,
           have been fixed:
           1.Clock Generation Circuit (PLL Circuit Operation) (target: RL78/D1A, RL78/F13, RL78/F14, RL78/G1C, and RL78/L1C groups) 
           2.Setting P40 of Port 4
               (target: RL78/D1A, RL78/F12, RL78/F13, RL78/F14, RL78/G10, RL78/G12, RL78/G13, RL78/G14, RL78/G1A, RL78/G1C,
                            RL78/G1E, RL78/G1F, RL78/G1G, RL78/I1A, RL78/I1D, RL78/L1C, RL78/L12, and RL78/L13 groups) 
           3.Code Generated for UART0 and UARTF (target: RL78/F12 group) 

           For details, see the Web page at:

     (c) In the updated generator, the following problems, which was reported in RENESAS TOOL NEWS Document No. 151116/tn2,
           have been fixed:
           1. Indication of Channels of Serial Interface IICA (target: RL78/G14 group  R5F104MK, R5F104PK, R5F104ML, and R5F104PL) 
           2. Procedure for Setting the PLL Clock (target: RL78/F13, RL78/F14, and RL78/F15 groups) 

           For details, see the Web page at:

     (d) In the updated generator, the following problem, which was reported in RENESAS TOOL NEWS Document No. 160116/tn5,
           have been fixed:
           Transfer of data with a length of 10 or more bits through an element of a serial array unit configured as a CSI or data 
           with a length of 16 bits through an element configured as a UART 
           (target: RL78/F12, RL78/F13, RL78/F14, RL78/F15, and RL78/D1A groups) 

           For details, see the Web page at:

     (e) In the updated generator, the following problems, which was reported in RENESAS TOOL NEWS Document No.160216/tn5,
           have been fixed:
           1. Using the error interrupt of serial array unit 4 as UART4 or DALI4 (target: RL78/I1A group) 
           2. Using serial array unit 4 as DALI4 (target: RL78/I1A group) 

           For details, see the Web page at:

     (f) In the updated generator, the following problem, which was reported in RENESAS TOOL NEWS Document No. 160316/tn1,
           have been fixed:
           Pin settings for the IICA serial interface when setting the PIOR to change the assignment of pin functions 
           (target: RL78/G12 group (20- and 24-pin products)) 

           For details, see the Web page at:

Changes from V2.09.00 to V2.10.00 (Oct. 20, 2015)

1. Supported Devices Increased
     - RL78/F15 group
R5F113GL, R5F113GK
R5F113LL, R5F113LK
R5F113ML, R5F113MK
R5F113PL, R5F113PK, R5F113PJ, R5F113PH, R5F113PG
R5F113TL, R5F113TK, R5F113TJ, R5F113TH, R5F113TG
     - RL78/I1E group

Changes from V2.08.00 to V2.09.00 (Aug. 7, 2015)

1. Supported Devices Increased
     - RL78/G1D group

Changes from V2.07.00 to V2.08.00 (Jun. 22, 2015)

1. Supported Devices Increased
     - RL78/G1F group
R5F11B7C, R5F11B7E