Integrated Help

Change from V2.01.02 to V2.02.01 (Jul. 16, 2014)

The following C compilers  have been supported:
     - CC-RX V2.02.00
     - CC-RH V1.01.00

Change from V2.01.01 to V2.01.02 (Jan. 31, 2014)

The following C compiler  has been supported:
     - CA78K0R V1.70

Change from V2.01.00 to V2.01.01 (Nov. 18, 2013)

The following C compiler  has been supported:
    - CC-RX V2.01.00

Changes from V2.00.01 to V2.01.00 (Sep. 30, 2013)

The following C compilers  have been supported:
     - CC-RH V1.00.01
     - CX V1.31

Change from V2.00.00 to V2.00.01 (Jun. 17, 2013)

The following compiler has been supported:
    - CC-RX V2.00.01

Change from V1.03.01 to V2.00.00 (Apr. 16, 2013)

Addition of correspondence to CubeSuite+ V2.00.00.

Change from V1.03.00 to V1.03.01 (Feb. 1, 2013)

The following compiler has been supported:
    - CA78K0R V1.60

Change from V1.02.01 to V1.03.00 (Nov. 1, 2012)

CubeSuite+ V1.03.00 has been supported.

Change from V1.02.00 to V1.02.01 (Aug. 1, 2012)

The following compiler has been supported:
    - CA78K0R V1.41

Changes from V1.01.00 to V1.02.00

The following compilers have been supported:
     - CC-RX V1.02.01
     - CA78K0R V1.40

Changes from V1.00.00 to V1.01.00

The following compilers have been supported:
     - CC-RX V1.02.00
     - CA78K0 V1.21
     - CA78K0R V1.30