
The product name of CubeSuite+, an integrated development environment from Renesas, 
has been changed to "CS+" from V. 3.00.00, which was released on October 1, 2014.

Changes of V2.02.01 and later (Oct. 1, 2014)

Divided into CS+ for CC and CS+ for CA, CX.
For details about changes of V.2.02.01 and later, refer to the following URL:
    - CS+ for CC
    - CS+ for CA,CX

Changes from V2.02.00 to V2.02.01 (Jul. 1, 2014)

This version newly supports RX64M group of code generator.

Changes from V2.01.00 to V2.02.00 (Mar. 24, 2014)

1. Improvement of CubeSuite+ functionality
1.1 Change in the operation environment
    Support for Windows 8.1 has been started from this version while support for Windows XP has been ended.

1.2 Addition of supported MCUs
    Support has been started for MCUs of the RX64M group having the new RXv2 CPU core for the RX family.

1.3 Functional enhancement of the Project Tree panel
    The range of file types which the editor can open has been extended. 
    Thereby, the list files which the compiler outputs are able to open in Editor by double-click.

1.4 Addition of an Error List panel
    The Error List panel for exclusively displaying error and warning messages from build tools has been added.

1.5 Functional enhancement of the Property panel
    Opening function of the help system in the Property panel has been enhanced so that help items associated 
    with what is being displayed in the Property panel are displayed (only some items are supported).

1.6 Functional enhancement for saving projects for the e2 studio, the Renesas Eclipse-based integrated development environment 
       (target: RX family)
    Enabling or disabling the function of saving project for e2 studio is now selectable.
    Specify this in [Project] in the Option dialog box. The default setting is “enabled.”

1.7 Functional enhancement for displaying the detailed version information
    A function to display the amount of memory used on Windows with the detailed version information has been added.
    - Private Working Set
    - Number of GDI Objects
    - Number of USER Objects
    - Opened Files

2. Improvements to the editor
2.1 Addition of a function to display error and warning messages
    A function to display marks on lines where errors or warning messages are returned in building has been added to the editor. 
    When the mouse cursor is over a mark, the message output by the compiler or assembler is displayed in a pop-up box.

2.2 Functional enhancement for the display of corresponding brackets
    { and } have been added to the function for highlighting the bracket that corresponds to the bracket at the caret position in 
    Python language files.

2.3 Functional enhancement of the smart edit function 
       (targets: RX family, RH850 family, and V850 family products with the V850E2 core)
    Different types of icons have been newly added for the separate display of class, structure, and union types when options are displayed.

2.4 Addition of a function to select display features for large files
    When a 24-MB or larger file (subsequently referred to as a huge file) is opened, disabling of the functions of the editor panel listed below
    is selectable.
    - Syntax coloring
    - Smart edit function
    -  Code outlining

3. Improvements to the I/O Header File Generation (target: RH850 family)
3.1 Addition of a function to set I/O Header Generation options
    A function to set I/O Header File Generation option has been added to the property of the build tool .The following 2 settings are 
    now possible.
    - Update I/O header file on build 
    - Other additional options

3.2 Improvement of the I/O Header file format
    The I/O Header file format has been improved, and same structures and same unions are communized.
    This will decrease the debug information which is generated at compiling the C source file.
    In addition, the size of object file and load module file will be decreased.

    In this improvement, change of user’s C source file is unnecessary.
    For reference, the list of the I/O Register names has been added to the end of the I/O Header file.

4. Improvements to the debugging tool
4.1 Addition of a coverage function (When the E20 emulator is used with the RX64M group)
    When using E20 emulator in RX64M group, the code coverage measurement function has been added.
    The code coverage measurement function is indicated on the Editor panel, Disassemble panel and Function List panel. 

4.2 Functional enhancement to execute a specified routine (When the E1 or E20 emulator is used with the RX family)
    When using E1 or E20 emulator in RX family, performance in processing for the executing a specified routine has been improved.

4.3 Functional enhancement of Step execution (When the E1 or E20 emulator is used with the RX family)
    When using E1 or E20 emulator in RX family, performance in processing for the executing step has been improved.

4.4 Addition of power supply function (When the E1 emulator is used with the RH850 family)
    When using E1 emulator in RH850 family, power function has been added.
    Supply of 3.3V or 5.0V, Supply current: 200 mA, is able to supply from EVcc to a user system.
    Set it in the debugger.

4.5 Addition of ability to set breakpoints while the CPU is running (When the E1 emulator is used with the RL78 family)
    When using E1 emulator in RL78 family, it becomes possible to set break point while CPU running. 

4.6 Improvement of data flash emulation (When the IECUBE emulator is used with the RL78 family)
    When using IECUBE emulator in RL78 family, it becomes possible to set the address range by "Writing Time/Erasing Time " of
    the data flash emulation.

4.7 Addition of supported MCUs for the RL78/G10 simulator
    Following the 4 products have been added for RL78/G10 simulator as support MCUs.
    - R5F10Y17, R5F10Y44, R5F10Y46, R5F10Y47

5. Problems with the debug tool fixed (target: V850 family)
    The following problems have been fixed:

    - An application error may sometimes occur during building (see NOTE) or downloading of a program. 
      When this happens, it forces the user to quit CubeSuite+.
      NOTE: Build operation by rapid build function is also included.

    - User program execution is temporarily stopped by manipulating the Memory panel, Disassemble panel, or Watch panel in some cases
      even if the Access by stopping execution is set to "No" in the Debug Tool Settings tab. 
      If the CPU is in the HALT state when execution temporarily stops, the CPU leaves the HALT state.

6. Problems with the debug tool fixed (target: RL78 family,78K0R,78K0 and all debugging tool)
    The following problems have been fixed:

    (1) Problem with stopping of the high-speed on-chip oscillator during operation of a subsystem clock in the RL78/G14 group of MCUs 
       Target: OCD(Serial), RL78 family
       Description: When meeting all of the following conditions by using RL78/G14, an error message "Executing program failed” is displayed.

       1. On the Property panel of the debugging tool, Monitor clock in the Connect Settings tab is set as System.
       2. The High-speed on-chip oscillator is set as 64MHz or 48MHz by the user option byte.
       3. The High-speed on-chip oscillator is stopped.
       4. A subsystem clock is set for the system clock. 
       5. During execution of the user program, 2 to 4 above are set and the program is executed again after a break occurs.

    (2) Problem with Step Over execution (targets: RL78 family, 78K0R, and 78K0)
       Target: All debugging tool, RL78 family, 78K0R, and 78K0
       Description: When performing Step Over execution from the location where the function is called in the Editor panel, 
                               Step In execution may be performed instead of Step Over execution.

       This problem occurs when the combination of the function's call location and call destination is any of the following:

       1. Function call location: Function in the C-language source code
           Function call destination: Function which is created in the assembler source code and has debugging information (NOTE 1)

       2. Function call location: CALL instruction in the assembler source code
            Function call destination: Function which is created in the assembler source code and has debugging information (NOTE 1)

       3. Function call location: CALL instruction in the assembler source code
           Function call destination: Function which is created in the C-language source code or assembler source code and 
                                                          does not have debugging information (NOTE 2)

       NOTE 1: Service calls of the real-time OS RI78V4 are included.
       NOTE 2: Library functions for flash self-programming are included.

7. Improvement of the program analysis tool
7.1 Functional enhancement of the program analysis tool (target: RX family)
    The following program analysis functions are added.
    - Execution Count on Function List panel*1
    - Code Coverage (RX64M only) on Function List panel*2
    - Read Count, Write Count, Minimum Value and Maximum Value on Variable List panel *3
    - Analysis of trace data on Variable Value Changing Chart tab of Analysis Chart panel *4
    - Execution Time (Percentage) Chart tab of Analysis Chart panel *5
    - Execution count of function on Call Graph panel *1
    - Reference count of variable on Call Graph panel *3 

    *1 To use the functions, select [branch] as the Trace data type of Trace category on the debug tool property.
    *2 To use the functions, select [Yes] as Use code coverage function of Coverage category on the debug tool property.
    *3 To use the functions, select [data access] as the Trace data type of Trace category on the debug tool property.
    *4 To use the functions, select [trace data analysis method] as the analysis method property of the program analysis tool and 
         select [the data access] as the Trace data type and select [Yes] as the Output timestamp of Trace category on 
         the debug tool property.
    *5 To use the functions, select [branch] as the Trace data type of Trace category and select [Yes] as the Output timestamp of 
         Trace category on the debug tool property.

8. Improvement of Python console
8.1 Addition of Python functions
    The following Python functions were added.
  Function name Overview
  common.GetOutputPanel This function displays the contents of the Output panel.
  project.GetFunctionList This function displays the list of the functions of the active project.
  project.GetVariableList This function displays the list of the variables of the active project.
  debugger.Memory.ReadRange This function refers to the specified number of locations in memory.
  debugger.Memory.WriteRange This function writes multiple data to the memory.

8.2 Addition of Python classes
    The following Python classes were added.
  Class name Overview
  FunctionInfo This class holds function information.
  VariableInfo This class holds variable information.

8.3 Addition of Python properties
    The following Python properties were added.
  Property name Overview
  build.Compile.IncludePath This property is used to set or refer to the compile options for the active project about additional include paths.
  build.Link.SectionAlignment This property is used to set or refer to the link options for the active project about section alignment.
  build.Link.SectionROMtoRAM This property is used to set or refer to the link options for the active project about sections where symbols are mapped from ROM to RAM.
  build.Link.SectionStartAddress This property is used to set or refer to the link options for the active project about the addresses where sections start.
  build.Link.SectionSymboleFile This property is used to set or refer to the link options for the active project about sections whose externally defined symbols are to be output to a file.
  build.ROMization.OutputObjectFile This property is used to set or refer to the setting for output of a ROMized object file, that is, the value of the ROMization process option for the active project.

Changes from V2.00.00 to V2.01.00 (Sep. 30, 2013)

1. Improvement of CubeSuite+ functionality
1.1 Addition of new MCUs
    This version newly supports the RH850 family of MCUs. The build tool for the RH850 family is CC-RH.

1.2 Addition of support for code generation
    This version newly supports code generation for the RX100 series

1.3 Enhanced menus
    The following items were added to the Build and Debug menus.
    ・Set Link Order of Project
    ・Rebuild & Download
    ・Using Debug Tool
    ・Startup Stack Usage Tracer

1.4 Enhanced toolbar
    A pull-down menu for selecting the build mode and a button for controlling bookmarks were added.

1.5  Enhanced facility to change the target MCUs (RL78 and 78K0R)
    When the target MCU is changed, [Debug monitor area start address] of [Link Option] is also changed 
    to the address of the currently selected microcontroller.

1.6 Addition of command-line options in CubeSuite+
    The following two options related to starting CubeSuite+ from the command line were added.
    ・/lp: The specified plug-in is loaded before CubeSuite+ starts.
    ・/lpall: All plug-ins are loaded before CubeSuite+ starts.

1.7 Enhanced facility for creating multi-core projects (RH850)
    A facility for creating projects for multi-core RH850 products was added to the Start panel.

1.8 Enhanced Property panel
    A search facility was added to the Property panel.

2. Improvements of the editor
2.1 Addition of a [Bookmark] menu item
    A [Bookmark] menu item was added to the context menu in the editor.
    A bookmark toolbar was also added to CubeSuite+.
    Information on bookmarks is saved as part of the project information.

2.2 Enhanced highlighting
    Highlighting of the current line is now supported.
    To enable this feature, make an appropriate setting in the text editor category of the Options dialog box.
    Emphasizing brackets is also supported.

2.3 Enhanced zooming in and out
    The display in the editor is also in accord with the zoom ratio selected from the toolbar of CubeSuite+.

2.4 Enhanced display of tooltip information
    When the mouse cursor is placed on a variable of class, structure, union, or enumeration type, 
    its members are displayed as tooltip information. 
    This feature is only supported for RX-, V850E2-, and RH850-family projects. (RX, V850E2 and RH850)

2.5 Enhanced mixed display of source code
    [Save Source Mixed Data As...] was added to the CubeSuite+ menu.
    This menu item is available when an Editor panel in mixed display mode is active.

2.6 Improvements of processing for saving the content of an editor to a file
    The processing for saving the content of an editor to a file was improved to reduce the memory size used in the computer.

2.7 Problem fixed
    The following problem has been fixed:
    ・With occurrence of error E2000003 in saving files

3. Improvements of the build tool
3.1 Addition of a facility for making dependency settings
    A new facility to make settings for dependencies between projects was added. This makes it possible to control the build order of projects.

3.2 Enhanced Property panel
    Locking of the Property panel of the build tool is now supported.
    Locking the panel prevents property settings from being modified by mishandling the mouse or keyboard.

3.3 Addition of the upper limit on the number of errors in building
    An upper limit on the number of messages was added. 
    When the number of output error messages exceeds the limit, CubeSuite+ will stop the build.

3.4 Enhanced facility for updating dependencies
    Dependencies can be updated at either of the following two times.
    ・Between opening a project and executing the build for the first time (the same behavior as in earlier versions)
    ・Immediately before building

3.5 Problem fixed
    The following problem has been fixed:
    ・With building a project for a real-time OS
4. Improvements of the debugging tool
4.1 Enhanced Memory panel
    The values of the following three items in the Memory panel can be edited even while the program is running.
    ・Size Notation

4.2 Enhanced Watch panel
    The states of [Notation], [Size Notation], [Encoding], and [Memo] for watched variables can be saved.
    These settings are restored when the file containing data on the Watch panel is imported.

4.3 Enhanced Events panel (RX)
    After a breakpoint, trace point, or timer event point is set, its address can be changed.

4.4 Addition of hot plug-in function for E1 emulator (RL78)
    Hot plug-in function is added for RL78 E1 emulator.
    Target device: RL78/F13, RL78/F14

4.5 Problem fixed (RL78)
    The following problem has been fixed:
    ・With executing programs in steps when reading out the data from the data flash memory
    When using E1 emulator for all the MCUs of the RL78 family and executing programs in steps on the source panel, 
     if instruction 1 and 2 are included in the 1 line of C language source, instruction 2 may not be executed.
     Instruction 1: Read-out instruction of the data flash memory
     Instruction 2: Either of the following branch instructions:
                              - call return instruction
                              - unconditional branch instruction
                              - conditional branch instruction
                              - conditional skip instruction
5. Improvement of the program analysis tool
5.1 Enhanced Analysis Chart panel
    Popup information on how to make settings in the Analysis Chart panel of the Program Analyzer was added.

6. Improvement of Python console
6.1 Addition of Python functions
    The following Python functions were added.
  Function name Overview
  debugger.Timer.Delete This function deletes a conditional timer.
  debugger.Timer.Disable This function disables a conditional timer.
  debugger.Timer.Enable This function enables a conditional timer.
  debugger.Timer.Get This function references the result measured by a conditional timer.
  debugger.Timer.Information This function displays conditional timer information.
  debugger.Timer.Set This function sets the conditional timer.
  debugger.Trace.Clear This function clears the trace memory.
  debugger.Trace.Delete This function deletes a conditional trace.
  debugger.Trace.Disable This function disables a conditional trace.
  debugger.Trace.Enable This function enables a conditional trace.
  debugger.Trace.Get This function dumps the trace data.
  debugger.Trace.Information This function displays conditional trace information.
  debugger.Trace.Set This function sets conditional trace information.

6.2 Addition of Python Classes
    The following Python classes were added.
  Class name Overview
  TimerCondition This class creates conditions of a conditional timer.
  TimerEventInfo This class holds conditional timer event information.
  TimerInfo This class holds conditional timer information.
  TraceCondition This class creates conditions of a conditional trace.
  TraceEventInfo This class holds conditional trace event information.

6.3 Addition of Python properties
    The following Python properties were added.
  Property name Overview
  debugger.IsMulticore This property checks whether or not the microcontroller of the active project is
  debugger.ProcessorElement This property sets or references the PE of the multi-core.

Changes from V1.03.00 to V2.00.00 (Apr. 16, 2013)

1. Improvement of CubeSuite+ functionality
1.1 Upgrading of Microsoft tool versions
    To use CubeSuite+, Microsoft .NET Framework, its language pack, and the runtime library of Microsoft Visual C++, which are provided 
    by Microsoft Corporation, are necessary.
    CubeSuite+ V2.00.00 requires the following tool versions; please upgrade your tools according to your CubeSuite+ version if necessary.
    - Microsoft .NET Framework 4+ language pack
    - Runtime library of Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1

    The CubeSuite+ DVD you purchased and the free evaluation version downloaded from our website include the processing for installing 
    the above tools.
    When installing the free evaluation version in the Windows XP or Windows Vista environment where the above tools have not been 
    installed, be sure to connect the host machine to the network before starting the setup procedure. 
    To set up CubeSuite+ in the PC that is not connected to the network, access the Microsoft Download Center 
    and install Microsoft .NET Framework 4 before starting the setup procedure.

1.2 Addition of supported Windows version
    Support of Windows 8 was added to this CubeSuite+ version. However, Metro UI on Windows 8 is not supported.

1.3 Addition of supported compiler
    Support of CC-RX V2.00.00 for the RX family was added to this version.
    The license key differs between CC-RX V2.00.00 and CC-RX V1.xx.xx. Register a new license for CC-RX V2.00.00 through
    the License Manager dialog box.

1.4 Change of default setting for plug-in loading
    The default plug-in loading operation was changed so that the plug-ins listed in the Additional Function tab on 
    the Plug-in Manager dialog box are not loaded, except for the editor. When CubeSuite+ is installed and started for the first time, 
    it operates in this default state.
    To use a project created by another PC, open the Plug-in Manager dialog box on the PC where the project was created, 
    check the plug-ins used, and enable them through the Plug-in Manager dialog box on the PC where the project is to be opened.

1.5 Addition of a function for changing file extension
    A new function to change the extension of a registered file was added to the Project Tree panel.

1.6 Enhanced functionality of Project Tree panel
    The following functions, which can be selected from the context menu of the Project Tree panel, were changed 
    so that multiple files can be specified.
    - Open with Internal Editor
    - Open with Selected Application...

1.7 Addition of the ability to load e2studio projects
    CubeSuite+ now has the ability to load e2studio projects (rcpc files).
    - Only support e2studio V2.00.00.00 or later.
    - Loading of e2studio projects is only supported for the RX family.
    - CubeSuite+ can load e2studio projects in which the same build tool has been used.
    - Only the information on registered files and the build tool are loaded.
    - CubeSuite+ cannot load projects that are dedicated to debugging.
    - Attempting to load an e2studio project will lead to an error if the number of registered files, sub-projects, or build modes 
      in that project exceeds the limits for CubeSuite+.
    - If 20 or more categories are nested, CubeSuite+ ignores the 20th and subsequent categories and registers all files within 
      those categories with the 20th category. 
      Any category name that is more than 200 characters long is truncated to 200 characters.
    - Any build-mode name that is more than 127 characters long is truncated to 127 characters. 
      If build modes with the same name belong to a single project, “__” is added to each build mode. 
      The number starts from 1 and is unique to each build mode so no duplicate build-mode folders will exist within a single folder.
    - CubeSuite+ also outputs a common project file in the same folder as the main project file (*.mtpj)
      when it outputs the CubeSuite+ project file (*.mtpj) and sub-project files (*.mtsp). 
      The name of the common project file is the same as the main project file (*.mtpj) except that the file extension is *.rcpe.
    *e2studio is the Renesas Electronics integrated development environment supported to the Europe and America region only.

2. Improvements of the editor
2.1 Addition of bookmark function
    The bookmark function was added to make it easier to display a specified line.
    Menu item Bookmarks was added to the Edit menu and the following sub-menu items were added under Bookmarks.
    - Toggle Bookmark
    - Next bookmark
    - Previous Bookmark
    - Clear All Bookmarks
    - List Bookmarks

2.2 Clarifying breakpoint specifiable lines
    Address marker display was added to the main column to clarify the lines where breakpoints can be specified.

2.3 Enhanced source mixed display functions
    A new function was added to store code in a text or CSV file while it is displayed in source mixed display mode.
    [Save Source Mixed Data As...] was added to the context menu for mixed display mode in the Editor panel.

3. Improvements of the build tool
3.1 Enhanced functionality of Path Edit dialog box
    In the Path Edit dialog box, which is used to specify paths such as include paths, a new function was added to 
    stop the processing for checking whether the input path exists.

3.2 Addition of a function for generating a link directive file (CA78K0 and CA78K0R)
    A new function was added for RL78, 78K0R, or 78K0 projects to make settings of the link directive through GUI and output them 
    to a link directive file.

3.3 Change of the name of an Property item in CA78K0R build tool
    The name of the following item was changed in the Device group on the Link Options tab in the Property panel for CA78K0R (Build Tool).
     (Before change) Use on-chip debug
     (After change) Set enable/disable on-chip debug by link option

4. Improvements of the debugging tool
4.1 Addition of the external Flash download function (RX)
    The ability to display the read value and expected value, when manufacturer ID and device ID differed from the expected value.

4.2 Addition of a property (RX)
    A new function was added to Operating Modes of CPU, to select whether or not to allow the debugger to erase the USB boot program 
    on the user boot area,when the operating modes of CPU is user boot mode.
    A new function was added to Memory mappings,to set I/O protection areas for read-disabled memory areas in external area.

4.3 Improvement of the function which executes a specified routine (RX)
    Performance in processing for the executing a specified routine have been improved.

4.4 Improvement of the download performance (RX)
    Performance of downloading has been improved.

5. Improvement of the program analysis tool
5.1 Addition of functions to Variable Value Changing Chart tab
    The following functions were added to the Variable Value Changing Chart tab in the program analysis tool.
    - Auto adjustment function
      A new function was added to select whether to use the function for automatically adjusting the horizontal and vertical axes 
      according to the obtained graph data. This function can be specified on the Property panel.
    - Specification of time per grid
      A function to specify the time per grid on the horizontal axis was added. This function can be specified on the Property panel.
    - Adjustment of horizontal and vertical axes on a graph
      The display intervals on the horizontal (time) and vertical (value) axes can be adjusted by using the mouse on a graph.
    - Without specifying a channel on the graph, move the mouse wheel while holding down the Ctrl key to change the display 
      interval (Time/Div) on the horizontal axis (time).
    - With specifying a channel on the graph, move the mouse wheel while holding down the Ctrl key to change the display 
      interval (Val/Div) on the vertical axis (value).

5.2 Addition of functions for controlling files to analyze
    Functions for specifying files to analyze were added. Either files to analyze or files not to analyze can be selected; 
    select files through either of the following items on the Property panel.
    - Files to analyze
    - Files not to analyze

5.3 Addition of a function for reducing memory size used in the host machine
    A new function was added to free the host machine memory used by the program analysis plug-in when all panels provided 
    by the analysis plug-in are closed. This function can be specified on the Property panel.
    When this function is enabled, the memory in the host machine is freed, but it may take some time to open a panel of 
    the analysis plug-in next time.

6. Improvement of Python console
6.1 Addition of Python functions
    The following Python functions were added.
  Function name Overview
  ClearConsole This function clears the string displayed on the Python console.
  project.GetDeviceNameList This function displays a list of microcontroller device names.
  project.Kind This function refers to the type of the active project.

7. Improvement of Stack Usage Tracer
7.1 Improvement of Stack Usage Tracer for RL78,78K0R
    The restriction of line number of input assembler source has been removed.

7.2 Improvement of Stack Usage Tracer for V850E2
    The function which isn't designated as the callee function was sometimes calculated as callee function.
    This issue has been corrected

8. Improvement of Emulator utilities
8.1 Improvement of N-Wire Checker
    - Name change into V850 JTAG OCD Checker from N-Wire Checker.
    - Support of V850E2M core and V850E2S core.
    - Support of E1 and E20 Emulator.

Changes from V1.02.01 to V1.03.00 (Nov. 1, 2012)

1. Improvement of CubeSuite+ functionality
1.1 Addition of functions for changing the microcontroller
    The function enables users to change a specified microcontroller with another microcontroller of the same device family.
    microcontroller to another from the same family. However, the specified build tool for the project isn't allowed to change.
    Disconnect the debug tool, and select [Change Microcontroller…] from the context menu in the
    node showing the microcontroller name in the Project Tree panel.

1.2 Addition of display functions
    A function for zooming in and out on the display in each panel was added . Regarding the panels and how to zoom 
    the displays in and out, refer to the online help or the user’s manual.
    The ability to import and export the settings for color specified in the Option dialog box was also added.

1.3 Addition of functions to the Project Tree panel
    A function for indicating dependency files due to #include directives in the source files in the Project Tree panel was added.
    A function to bring up the context menu of Windows Explorer was added to allow easy access to and use of other tools 
    (e.g., the source management tool) that have been installed under Windows was also added.

1.4 Addition of functions for the Property panel
    A function for storing the tabbed pages displayed for each tool in the Property panel was added. 
    Each time the user switches to the property panel, the tabbed page that was previously being displayed is 
    shown rather than the top tabbed page.

1.5 Improved functionality for the Output panel
    The display in the Rapid Build tabbed page of the Output panel has been changed and is now a cumulative display. 
    This enables the checking of source files built as rapid builds and of messages in builds even if multiple source 
    files have been edited or saved.

1.6 Addition of functions for plug-in management
    Functions for the control of plug-ins of the build tool and the debug tool were added to the plug-in management functions.

1.7 Improvement of the function for converting High-performance Embedded Workshop into CubeSuite+
    The function for converting High-performance Embedded Workshop projects into those of CubeSuite+ has been improved.
    The function converts folders for the High-performance Embedded Workshop project tree into CubeSuite+ categories.

1.8 Improved functionality for the online help system
    The tutorial display function only displays the tutorial guide portion of the online help. The help display function, 
    as in the previous release, displays both the contents of the tutorial and of the online help itself.
    Furthermore, descriptions of messages were also added to the online help that is displayed by the update manager.

1.9 Improved performance
    Performance in processing for the reading of projects and the performance of the editor have been improved.

1.10 Improved the update feature
    Network environment which requires proxy authentication has been supported. And resume function has been supported.

2. Improvements of the editor
2.1 Addition of smart edit functions
    A smart edit function, which displays candidates being input, has been added (for the RX and V850E2 families).

2.2 Improved dragging and dropping functions
    The ability to drag and drop variables to register them for the program analysis tool was added to 
    the Variable Value Changing Chart tab of the Analysis Chart panel.

2.3 Improvement of print functions
    The abilities to include line-numbers and to handle information from mixed display mode were added to 
    the print and print preview functions.

2.4 Addition of column headers
    Column headers were added under the toolbar to make it easier to see the functions of each area.

2.5 Addition of control over encoding
    The ability to enable or disable the automatic determination of encoding was added. This enables the opening of files 
    by using the default encoding if incorrect recognition occurs in the automatic determination of encoding.

3. Improvements of the debugging tool
3.1 Addition of the ability to reset events 
    The ability to reset action events was added.
    The ability to reset specifications of break conditions regarding access to variables was added (RL78 and 78K0R).
    Select the event to be reset in the Event panel and select [Edit Condition...] from the context menu. 

3.2 Addition of a property (RX)
    Modifications were made to save the settings for power supply in the project. Also, the ability to specify 
    the erasure of flash ROM at the time of downloading for both code flash and data flash memory was added.

3.3 Addition of the Output panel (RX)
    Information on the E1 or E20 such as its version number and the voltage of the user system is displayed in 
    the Output panel when an E1 or E20 emulator for RX devices is connected..

3.4 Addition of the MPU area access (RX)
    The ability to access the MPU area of CPU was added.

3.5 Additions to the Watch panel
    The ability to import and export the settings being monitored on the watch panel was added.
    To import settings of watch panel symbols, select [Import Watch Expression] and specify the file to be imported. 
    To export the current settings, select the [Save Watch Data] menu item under [File], or the [Save Watch Data As...] menu item 
    under [File], and select "import-possible CSV (comma-delimited)" for the file type and then save the settings in a file.

3.6 Additions to the Memory panel
    The ability to specify the number of digits of addresses to be displayed, the address where the display starts, 
    and the range of addresses displayed on the memory panel was added.

3.7 Correction of Python function in standby mode
    Applies to: Simulator, 78K0 / 78K0R / RL78 / V850 / V850E2
    The return value of Python function, debugger.GetCpuStatus(), in standby mode such as STOP or HALT has been corrected.

4. Improvement of the program analysis tool
4.1 Addition of property functions
    Among the properties of the program analysis tool, the ability to specify the enabling of static or dynamic analysis 
    has been added. 
    Note that detailed settings are specified by a build tool and debugging tool.

4.2 Addition of functions to the Variable Value Changing Chart tab 
    The ability to use a mouse to modify offsets on graphs was added. An offset can be modified by placing the mouse cursor 
    on the point to be changed while pressing the [Shift] key and then dragging and dropping. A function for automatically 
    adjusting graphs was also added. Double-clicking on "Val/Div" in the area where variables for the explanatory area are 
    registered displays the graph of the relevant channel so that the upper limit of the displayed range corresponds to 
    the maximum value of the data for the graph, while its lower limit corresponds to the minimum value of the data. 
    The graph is thus expanded to fill the entire drawing area.

5. Improvement of Python console
5.1 Addition of Python functions and Python property
    The following Python functions and Python property are added. 
      Additional Python functions : project.Create, common.OutputPanel
      Additional Python property : 	debugger.ADConvertDataInExecution
    Please refer to "Appendix G" in a user's manual "CubeSuite+ V1.03.00 Start."
5.2 Addition of return values of Python functions
    The return values of following Python functions are added. We can see whether functions are performed successfully or 
    not from these return values (True or False).

6. Improvement of Stack Usage Tracer
6.1 Improvement of Stack Usage Tracer for V850E2
    Following have been improved.
     - Indication of the function which contains an indirect function call.
     - Support of subroutinization.
7. Improvement of Emulator utilities
7.1 Improvement of E1,E20 Self Check Program
    The processing performance when E1,E20 Self Check Program is started has been improved.

8. Removal of cautions
8.1 Caution on memory panel while using RRM function
    Applies to: E20 Emulator(JTAG),RX
    If the value of the variable that was set in the watch panel by using RRM function is displayed in a memory panel, 
    the memory panel displays not "**" but "00".
    Use Watch panel instead of Memory panel.

8.2 Cautions on using the RX (simulator and E1/E20 emulator)
    debugger.Assemble.LineAssemble() function does not support Big Endian, so this function dose not operate correctly when 
    using it for Big Endian area.

8.3 Cautions on using "CubeSuiteExit()" function and Rapid start function
    When closing CubeSuite+ by using "CubeSuiteExit()" function, CubeSuite+ does not become a resident program even if 
    Rapid start function was used.
8.4 Problem with debugging library projects
    While you are running the C/C++ compiler package and debug tools for the RX family, the error may arise 
    if you register a library project as a sub project and then debug the main project.

9. Removal of restriction
9.1 With setting breakpoints (TOOL NEWS Document No. 120823/tn1)
    Products Concerned:  Simulator for the RL78 family or 78K0R
    The following restriction has been removed:
    In the systems development using any MCU of the RL78 family or 78K0R whose ROM capacity is equal to or greater than 96 KB, 
    if you set a breakpoint by using either of the above simulators, the data in a specific address other than the breakpoint 
    may be changed to 0xFF. 

Changes from V1.02.00 to V1.02.01 (July 1, 2012)

1. Capability Introduced
1.1 Addition of debug tool functions
     - New function for EQU defined bit registration and reference in watch pane
        When using 78K0, the bit of the EQU definition can do registration and a reference in watch panel.
     - Extension of measurement time in AZ for 78K0R and RL78, when IECUBE trace function is used
        When using IECUBE, the measurement time in AZ for 78K0R and RL78 is extended.
2. Problems Fixed
The following problems have been fixed:

2.1 Note on Using CubeSuite+ Integrated Development Environments
     Converting to CubeSuite+ project for V850, RX, and RL78 from a High-performance Embedded 
     Workshop project for SH, R8C, M16C, H8SX, H8S, and H8 fails due to the following error

     Error (E0202002)
     Opening a project failed.
     [Direct Error Cause]
     A project using an unsupported toolchain was specified. : Toolchain name(E0292005)

2.2 Note on Using CubeSuite+ Integrated Development Environments for RX Family
     (1) Problem with operating the library generator
          In the Properties panel of CubeSuite+, if you make either of the following changes of options
          and then execute the build, the library generator does not operate

           - In the Common options tab, you make a change to the value of the Address value of base 
              register that sets the address value text box.
           - In the Library generate option tab, you select the Enables string.h(C89/C99) property and
              click the drop-down arrow at the right end of the row (at the second column of the row, 
              YES or NO has been selected) to open a drop-down list. Then you click YES or NO to make
              a change to the above selection.
      (2) Problem with using Compile Options and Link Options (Build Options)
           If you execute a build by using an option to optimize the accesses to external variables, 
           incorrect code may be generated.

2.3 Note on Using Real time RAM monitor in on-chip debug for RL78
      After on-chip debugging a system with RL78 by CubeSuite+ V1.01.01 or earlier, debug tool connection
      is failed with the following error when using Real time RAM monitor by CubeSuite+ V1.02.00.

      Download failed.
      [Direct Error Cause]
      Extended monitor area is not blank [E1903128]

Changes from V1.01.01 to V1.02.00 (May 21, 2012)

1. Overall Improvements for the Common Program of CubeSuite+
1.1 Supported devices increased
    In build tool and debug tool, RL78 family MCUs which has trace function 
    of On-chip debug is now supported.

1.2 Faster start-up by the rapid start feature
    The Rapid Start feature has been added. You can use this feature to 
    launch the program faster than earlier versions.

1.3 Added Plug-in Management feature
    A new feature makes it possible to specify which plug-ins (such as 
    Program Analyzer plug-in or Code Generator plug-in) to load at startup.
    You can use this feature to reduce the memory and other resources 
    consume by CubeSuite+ on the host machine, by preventing plug-ins from 
    loading if you will not use their features.

1.4 Improved Placeholder feature
    %Program% and %Options% have been added to the commands executed before 
    compile processing, the commands executed after compile processing, and 
    other commands.

1.5 Improved update feature
    It is now possible to use the update feature even when a license key is 
    not registered. 
    A feature has also been added to select all candidates at once.

1.6 Added a function which support to change of another microcomputer
    (1) Read a project of SH, R8C, H8 and M16C of High-performance Embedded 
        Workshop, and convert it into a project for RX family.
    (2) Read a project of R8C, H8, M16C of High-performance Embedded 
        Workshop, and convert it into a project for RL78 family.
    (3) Read a project of V850 of CubeSuite, and convert it into a project 
        for RX family.      
    However, only conversion of project composition corresponds.

1.7 Improved Debug Only Project function
    In a debug only project, the feature of the source file auto-
    registration can be established On/Off. 
    You can configure from [Tools] - [Options] - [Build/Debug].

2. New Editor Features
2.1 New features for editor panel
    The following features have been added to the editor:
    (1) Mix display of the source program and assembler code when the 
        debugging tool is connected. However, editing is not available in 
        mixed-display mode.
    (2) The new recycle mode makes it possible to switch between multiple 
        source files in the program being debugged within a single editor 
    (3) A toolbar to the editor panel.
    (4) A new feature makes it possible to show or hide the area displaying 
        line numbers, break points, and others.

3. Addition of debug tool functions
   The following functions have been added:
    (1) Trace function for RX E1/E20 supported the timestamp display.
    (2) RX E1/E20 emulator supported PC display on tool bar during program 

4. Enhanced Analyze Tool
   The Variable Value Changing Chart feature has been enhanced.

5. Enhanced RX simulator
5.1 Expansion of a trace memory size
    Added 2M and 3M to size appointment of trace memory.

5.2 Correspondence of a method of normal input and output same as an 
    In normal input and output to a debugging console, it supported an 
    input and output method same as an emulator. 
    There is not that changes the low level interface routine that uses with
    an emulator by using this method, and can use it. A method and the 
    method that supported this time are change possibility by setting of 
    a property panel conventionally.

5.3 Addition of PC display during program execution
    RX simulator supported PC display on tool bar during program execution. 
    About the way to use, refer to online help or User's manual.

5.4 Improvement of a trace function
    Stop collection of trace data during program practice, and add a 
    function to reopen. Can confirm the trace data which collected without 
    stopping program practice because only collection of trace data stops 
    during program practice.

6. Removal of caution
6.1 Caution on variables with the same type
    Applies to: All debug tools, RX Consider a case where there are two 
    variables of different types with the same name (including parameters 
    of functions) and one of them can be expanded (e.g. an array or 
    structure) and the other is a pointer variable. 
    When the display of the Watch panel is updated as soon as the program 
    stops at the address of either of the variables, their values being 
    displayed may not be correct.
    To view correct values, register the variables with the Watch panel 
    again or give different names to the variables.

6.2 When using the CubeSuite+ package for the RX family of MCUs, take note of the following problem:
    If you try to change the beginning address of a group of contiguously 
    placed sections by using the Link Options tab of the property panel in 
    CubeSuite+, the following error message is displayed and you may not 
    change the address:

    A critical error occurred.
    [Direct Error Cause]
    Index and count must refer to a location within the string.
    Parameter name: count

6.3 Caution of RX simulator
    (1) Caution of memory write
        When panel windows write memory while the program is running, 
        unintentional instructions may be executed.
    (2) Caution of breakpoint
        When data is masked with the following data comparison conditions 
        on a breakpoint event, the data mask may not be executed.
            - GT(>))
            - LT (<)
            - GE (>=)
            - LE (<=)
            - IN scope (<=Value<=)
            - OUT of scope !(<=Value<=)
    (3) Caution of endian When the SCMPU, SMOVB, SMOVF, or SMOVU 
        instruction is executed, an incorrect result of execution will be 
        obtained if different endian systems are used in two areas, one 
        including an operand of comparison and the other the other operand 
        of the comparison, or one including the source of a transfer and 
        the other its destination.

6.4 Caution on Using E1/E20 Emulator Debugger for RX family
    If you debug any program for rewriting on-chip ROM areas, the following 
    symptoms may appear:	
    (1) Illegal Command Error arises if you execute a program for rewriting 
        the program ROM on any MCU of the RX630, RX63N/RX631, or RX210 group. 
    (2) Set "YES" to any of the following items on the Debug Tool Settings
    	tab of the property panel:
            - Debug the program re-writing the on-chip PROGRAM ROM
            - Debug the program re-writing the on-chip DATA FLASH	
    and then start the debugger.
    Enable the Illegal Address Access Detection function of the Bus
    Error Monitoring Enable register.
    Execute any of the following operations:    
    - Download the program to the on-chip ROM area.   
    - After setting software breakpoints in the on-chip ROM area,  
      execute the program for rewriting the program ROM.    	

Changes from V1.01.00 to V1.01.01

1. Capability Introduced
- Supports project files created by Renesas Starter Kit for the RX family.

2. Capabilities Improved 
- Reduces memory consumption of the host PC, and shortens time to perform builds.

3. Restriction Raised
The following restriction has been raised: 
- On setting Flash self emulation (No. 2)
       When you read projects for the 78K0R/Kx3 MCUs created by CubeSuite 
       or CubeSuite+ V1.00.02 or earlier by using CubeSuite+ V1.01.00, 
       communication between CubeSuite+ and IECUBE cannot be established.
       If you do, the error saying "Error : Illegal the flash self 
       emulation settings.[E0602206]" appears.

Changes from V1.00.02 to V1.01.00

1. New Global Features for CubeSuite+
  1.1 Additional supported devices
      RX family is now supported (Build Tool, Debug Tool, and Analyze Tool).
      Supported emulator is E1 or E20.

  1.2 New utility to accelerate startup times
      A new utility was added to CubeSuite+ to speed up startup times. 

  1.3 Enhanced Editor functionality
      The editor features enhanced functionality. The main new features are as follows.
      -auto indenting
      -Split editor panel
      -Code Outline view
      -Block selection
      -Zoom in and out with mouse

  1.4 Enhanced IDE functionality
      -The feature for entering placeholders is improved. 
       It is now possible to select and specify the available placeholders.
      -New feature makes it possible to add a source file to a project tree 
       when downloading a dedicated Debug Only project.
      -The hooking feature now enables a Python script to be specified.
      -A new feature for importing build options has been added.
      -A new feature makes it possible to import and export link-order specifications.
      -There is a new search feature for the SFR and IOR panels.
      -The feature for saving a project and the development tools as a package
       now makes it possible to specify the top folder of the package.

2. Addition of debug tool functions
  2.1 Improvement of performance while using E1 for RL78
      The performance while using E1 for RL78 is improved.
      (Connecting time to debug tool, download time, response time when using CPU reset,
      response time when CPU breaks, etc )

  2.2 Addition of debug function for flash memory programming while using E1 for RL78
      Debug function for flash memory programming while using E1 for RL78 is added.

  2.3 Addition of property setting for RL78 IECUBE
      Following property panels for RL78 IECUBE are added.
      - Flash Self Emulation Settings
      - DataFlash Emulation Settings

  2.4 Support for serial OCD on E1/E20 Emulator of V850E2M
      E1/E20 Emulator of V850E2M have started supporting serial OCD I/F.

3. Changes to Analyze Tool
  3.1 Changes to specification of cross-reference information output
      By default, output of cross-reference information used by the analysis tool is disabled. 
      Enable the output of cross-reference information when using analysis tools.

  3.2 New [Variable Value Changing Chart] feature for Analysis Chart panel
      When you are using real-time sampling, a graph updated during execution is displayed 
      on the [Variable Value Changing Chart] tab of the Analysis Chart panel.

4. New Python Console and function features
  4.1 New Python functions
      The following Python functions have been added.
      -project.Change: Changes the active project
      -project.File.Add: Adds a file to the active project.
      -project.File.Remove: Removes a file from the active project.
      -project.Information: Displays the project information.
      -build.ChangeBuildMode: Changes the build mode.

  4.2 Improved Python functions
     -It is now possible to specify whether to initialize the flash memory in the arguments to
       debugger.Download functions.
     -The debugger.Watch.GetValue function has been extended with a WatchOption parameter.
     -It is now possible to specify whether to wait until the build completes 
      in the arguments to the build.All function.
     -It is now possible to specify to target only the active project in the arguments to build.Clean.
     -It is now possible to specify whether to reuse coverage results in the debugger.Option function.
     -Added return values for the debugger.GetCpuStatus, debugger.GetIeStatus,
       and debugger.GetBreakStatus functions.

  4.3 Improved Python Console features
      Added the following items to the context menu of the Python Console:
     -Initialize Python

  4.4 Changed name of breaks in Python Console
     The names of breakpoints set from the Python Console have been changed.
       Before change: Break number
       After change: Python Break number

5. Changes of CubeSuite+ Simulator for V850E2 supporting OS Timer.
  5.1 Support of Critical Blue

  5.2 Support of changing the count clock of OS Timer

6. Eliminated restrictions of Simulator for 78K0R/Lx3
  These 3 restrictions are eliminated.
  - Restriction about the clock selection of timer array unit 1
  - Restriction about channel 5, 6 of timer array unit 0
  - Restriction about external interrupt request input pin 0 (INTP0)

7. Eliminated restrictions of Simulator for 78K0R/Ix3
  These 3 restrictions are eliminated.
  - Restriction about the clock selection of timer array unit 1
  - Restriction about write access for Timer input select register 0 (TIS0)
  - Restriction about write access for A/D converter mode register (ADM)

8. Addition of Simulator for RL78 supporting OS Timer

Changes from V1.00.01 to V1.00.02

1. Supported the code generator function for the following device:
  - RL78/G14, RL78/I1A
2. Supported the upgraded code generator function for the following device:
  - RL78/G13