
3.5 Warnings

Table 3-5. Warnings
xxx is already defined.
xxx has already been defined. The definition is ignored.
[Action by User]
Resolve the multiple definition.
The maximum ID of the object is larger than maxdefine.xxx
The value of the maximum ID of the defined object is selected.
xxx is not defined
The definition of xxx is omitted; the setting in the default system configuration file is used.
[Action by User]
Check "RI600V4, RI600PX Coding" for the default system configuration file settings.
Timer counter value is less than your setting time.
It is not possible to create the specified base clock interrupt cycle time (system.tic_nume / system.tic_deno [ms]) accurately. The actual base clock interrupt cycle time is shorter than the specified cycle.
[Action by User]
Consider making the base clock interrupt cycle time longer.
Debugger is running.
The debugger was operated while it was running.
[Action by User]
Stop the debugger before operating.
RTOS is not initialized.
The real-time OS was manipulated before initialization.
[Action by User]
Click [Run to Position Where Real Time OS Information Can Be Obtained], and complete the initialization of the real-time OS.
Path name or File name is illegal. Input the character that can be used.
The path or file name contains illegal characters.
[Action by User]
Use valid characters.
The number of characters that exceeds 259 characters cannot be specified.
More than 259 characters have been specified.
[Action by User]
Reduce the number of characters.
The number of characters that exceeds 247 characters cannot be specified.
More than 247 characters have been specified.
[Action by User]
Reduce the number of characters.
The system information table file name is the same as the entry file name.
[Action by User]
Change the file name.
The system information table file name is the same as the service call table file name.
[Action by User]
Change the file name.
The specified passing doesn't exist.
[Action by User]
Change to an existing path name.
The specified path is read-only.
The specified path is write-protected.
[Action by User]
Change the writeable attribute of the specified path to "enabled".
The specified passing doesn't exist.
[Action by User]
Change to an existing file name.
Command file is nested. @Option in the command file is ignored.
The command file is nested. The @ option in the command file has been ignored.
This is a message notifying the user of a warning. It is normal.
Option (xxx) became invalid by Option (yyy).
Not supported Keyword (xxx) is changed to a comment.
Temporary exception code (yyy) was established as key word (xxx).
Service call (xxx) already defined.
Reserved ID (xxx) must be 0 in this version (0 assumed).
This is a message notifying the user of a warning. It is normal.
Defined value (xxx) in the reserved area is ignored.
This is a message notifying the user of a warning. It is normal.
[RI78V4 V1.xx.xx] [RI78V4 V2.xx.xx]
Value is aligned to 2 bytes (result : xxx).
[RI78V4 V1.xx.xx] [RI78V4 V2.xx.xx]
The specified value is not a 2-byte boundary value. CF78V4 rounds up the specified value to a 2-byte boundary value (number) to continue processing.
This is a message notifying the user of a warning. It is normal.
[RI850V4 V1.xx.xx] [RI850V4 V2.xx.xx]
Value is aligned to 4 bytes (result:xxx).
[RI850V4 V1.xx.xx] [RI850V4 V2.xx.xx]
This is a message notifying the user of a warning. It is normal.
Value is aligned to yyy bytes (result:xxx).
This is a message notifying the user of a warning. It is normal.
The value (xxx) is assumed to be a set value.
This is a message notifying the user of a warning. It is normal.
Maximum number to make object must be a number of defined object or maximum number of ID (xxx assumed).
This is a message notifying the user of a warning. It is normal.
The maximum priority level "xxx" is defined. But set the maximum priority level to "yyy" because the task with initial priority "pri2" is defined.
"xxx" is defined as the maximum task priority; however, since "yyy" is already specified as the initial task priority, the system continues processing assuming that "yyy" has been specified as the maximum task priority.
This is a message notifying the user of a warning. It is normal.
The CPU type is multiple defined in CF file and -cpu option (xxx assumed).
This is a message notifying the user of a warning. It is normal.
The register mode is multiple defined in CF file and -reg option (xxx assumed).
This is a message notifying the user of a warning. It is normal.
The value of "maxint" differs from the value defined in the device file(the value defined in the device file is used).
This is a message notifying the user of a warning. It is normal.
Memory area(xxx) is not used, so information of (xxx) is not output.
This is a message notifying the user of a warning. It is normal.
The interval time of a cyclic handler was rounded up (result:xxx).
This is a message notifying the user of a warning. It is normal.
The initial interval time of a cyclic handler was rounded up (result:xxx).
This is a message notifying the user of a warning. It is normal.
Path or file is not exist (xxx).
The setup of the proparty is not reflected in the load module. Build the program, it will be solved this warning.
Since the program was not rebuilt after the property was set or modified, the load module is not consistent with the property setting. This message will be shown, for example, when a load module for hardware tracing is loaded after the property of the program has been changed to software tracing mode.
[Action by User]
Build the program.