4.2.3 #pragma directive

Below are #pragma directives supported as extended language specifications.

Table 4.15

List of Supported #pragma Directive

#pragma directive


#pragma section attribute-strings "section-name"

Data or program memory allocation

#pragma section attribute-strings

#pragma section [character string]

#pragma inline_asm [(]function-name[(size=numerical value)][,...][)]

Description with assembler instruction

#pragma inline [(]function-name[, function-name ...][)]

Inline expansion

#pragma noinline [(]function-name[, function-name, ...][)]

#pragma interrupt [(]function-name[(interrupt specification [, interrupt specification]...)] [,...] [)]

Interrupt/Exception handler specification

#pragma block_interrupt [(]function-name[)]

Interrupt disable function specification

#pragma pack [(][1|2|4][)]

Structure type packing specification

#pragma bit_order [{left|right}]

Bit field assignment

#pragma pmodule pm-specification

Core number specification (for a multi-core device)

#pragma align4 [(]function-name[(spec)][)]

Specifying alignment value for branch destination addresses

#pragma stack_protector [(]function-name[(num=value)][)]

Detection of stack smashing

[Professional Edition only]

#pragma no_stack_protector [(]function-name[)]


Data or program memory allocation

Allocates variables to an arbitrary section.

For details about the allocation method, see " Allocation of data and program to section".


Description with assembler instruction

Assembler directives can be described in a C source program.

For the details of description, see " Describing assembler instruction".


Inline expansion


Inline expansion specification

A function that is expanded inline can be specified.

For the details of expansion specification, see " Inline expansion".


Specifying functions ineligible for inline expansion

You can specify that a function is not eligible for inline expansion.

See " Inline expansion" for details about specifying functions to be ineligible for inline expansion.


Interrupt/Exception handler specification

Interrupt/Exception handlers are described in C language.

For details, see "(3) Describing interrupt/exception handler".

#pragma interrupt   [(]function-name[(interrupt specification [,interrupt specification]...)] [,...] [)]


Interrupt disable function specification

Interrupts are disabled for the entire function.

For details, see "(2) Disabling interrupts in entire function".

#pragma block_interrupt [(]function-name[)]


Structure type packing specification

Specifies the packing of a structure type. The packing value, which is an alignment value of the member, is specified as the numeric value. A value of 1, 2, 4 can be specified. When the numeric value is not specified, the setting is the default alignment.

For details, see " Structure type packing".

#pragma pack [(][1|2|4][)]


Bit field assignment

CC-RH can switch the order of a bit field.Specifies the switching the order of a bit field.

For details, see " Bit field assignment".

#pragma bit_order [{left|right}]


Core number specification (for a multi-core device)

A function to which a core number is to be assigned can be specified.

For details, see " Core number specification (for a multi-core device)".

#pragma pmodule pm-specification


Specifying alignment value for branch destination addresses

This specifies the alignment value for branch destination addresses.

For details, see " Specifying alignment value for branch destination addresses".

#pragma align4 [(]function-name[(spec)][)]


Detection of stack smashing [Professional Edition only]


Specifying function to generate code for detection of stack smashing

This specifies a function for generating a code for detection of stack smashing.

For details, see " Detection of stack smashing [Professional Edition only]".

#pragma stack_protector [(]function-name[(num=value)][)]


Specifying function not to generate code for detection of stack smashing

This specifies a function for not generating a code for detection of stack smashing.

For details, see " Detection of stack smashing [Professional Edition only]".

#pragma no_stack_protector [(]function-name[)]