3.3.6 Combined address information

The combined source files, and the start and end addresses and size of the continuous range data are output.

The output example of the combined address information is shown below.

*** Combine information ***
(1)             (2)         (3)         (4)
FILE            START       END         SIZE
                00000100    00000127    28
                00000200    00000227    28
                00000250    00000263    14
                00000300    0000033b    3c




Combined source file name

The combined source file name is output.


Start addresses of continuous range data

The start addresses of the continuous range data are output.

This is expressed in a hexadecimal number.


End addresses of continuous range data

The end addresses of the continuous range data are output.

This is expressed in a hexadecimal number.


Size of continuous range data

The size of the continuous range data is output (in byte units).

This is expressed in a hexadecimal number.