Inputs an assembly language source file.





The INCLUDE control instruction tells the assembler to insert and expand the contents of a specified file beginning on a specified line in the source program for assembly.



The search pass of an INCLUDE file can be specified with the option (-I).


The assembler searches INCLUDE file read paths in the following sequence:


Folder specified by the option (-I)


Folder in which the source file exists


Currently folder



The INCLUDE file can do nesting (the term "nesting" here refers to the specification of one or more other INCLUDE files in an INCLUDE file).


The maximum nesting level for include files is 4,294,967,294 (=0xFFFFFFFE) (theoretical value). The actual number that can be used depends on the amount of memory, however.


If the specified INCLUDE file cannot be opened, the CC-RL outputs the message and stops assembling.


If an include file contains a block from start to finish, such as a section definition directive, macro definition directive, or conditional assembly control instruction, then it must be closed with the corresponding code. If there is no corresponding code or it is not closed, then an error will occur.