7.2 Header Files

The list of header files required for using the libraries of the RX are listed below.

The macro definitions and function declarations are described in each file.

Table 7.2

Library Types and Corresponding Standard Include Files

Library Type


Standard Include File

Program diagnostics

Outputs program diagnostic information.


Character handling

Handles and checks characters.



Performs numerical calculations such as trigonometric functions.


Non-local jumps

Supports transfer of control between functions.


Variable arguments

Supports access to variable arguments for functions with such arguments.



Performs input/output handling.


General utilities

Performs C program standard processing such as storage area management.


String handling

Performs string comparison, copying, etc.


Complex arithmetic

Performs complex number operations.


Floating-point environment

Supports access to floating-point environment.


Integer type format conversion

Manipulates greatest-width integers and converts integer format.


Multibyte and wide characters

Manipulates multibyte characters.


In addition to the above standard include files, standard include files consisting solely of macro name definitions, shown in table 6.3, are provided to improve programming efficiency.

Table 7.3

Standard Include Files Comprising Macro Name Definitions

Standard Include File



Defines macro names used in common by the standard include files.


Defines various limit values relating to compiler internal processing.


Defines the value to be set in errno when an error is generated in a library function.


Defines various limit values relating to the limits of floating-point numbers.


Defines alternative spellings of macro names.


Defines macros relating to logical types and values.


Declares integer types with specified width and defines macros.


Defines type-generic macros.