Save the contents of watch-expressions

By selecting the [File] menu >> [Save Watch Data As...] or selecting [Save Expanded Watch Data] from the context menu, the Save As dialog box can be opened, and all the contents of the watch-expression and its value can be saved in a text file (*.txt) or CSV file (*.csv).

When saving the contents to the file, all the values of the watch-expression are reacquired and save the latest values acquired.

Note that the values of read-protected I/O register are not re-read. If you want to save the latest values of those, select [Force Read Value] from the context menu then save the file.


Note that for watch-expressions that can be displayed expanded, such as arrays, pointer type variables, structures/unions, and CPU registers (only those with the part name), the behavior differs depending on whether the watch-expression is saved with [Save Watch Data As...] or [Save Expanded Watch Data].


When saved with [Save Watch Data As...]

If arrays, pointer type variables, structures/unions, and CPU registers (only those with the part name) are displayed expanded, the value of each expanded element is also saved. When they are not expanded, "+" mark is added on the top of the item and the value becomes blank.


When saved with [Save Expanded Watch Data]

The watch-expression is expanded up to the maximum 255 nests regardless of the expanded state, and the value of each expanded element is also saved.

Figure 2.107

Output Example of Watch Data


When the contents of the panel are overwritten by selecting the [File] menu >> [Save Watch Data], each watch panel (Watch1 to Watch4) is treated as a different panel.