This class holds the parameters when a build completes.
class BuildCompletedEventArgs:
Error = None
Cancelled = False
HasBuildError = False
HasBuildWarning = False
When an exception occurs in the build, this holds the error contents (System.Exception).
This holds whether the build execution was canceled or not.
This holds whether an error occurred in the build or not.
This holds whether a warning occurred in the build or not.
[Detailed description]
- | BreakCompletedEventArgs is a class, and it is passed as the argument only when the build.BuildCompleted event is issued.
It is not therefore possible to generate an instance of this class.
[Example of use]
>>>def buildCompleted(sender, e):
... print "Error = {0}".format(e.Error)
... print "BuildError = " + e.HasBuildError.ToString()
... print "BuildWarning = " + e.HasBuildWarning.ToString()
... print "BuildCancelled = " + e.Cancelled.ToString()
>>>build.BuildCompleted += buildCompleted ... Event connection
Error = None
BuildError = False
BuildWarning = False
BuildCancelled = False
>>> ... When an exception occurs, displayed as follows
Error = System.Exception:An error occurred during build.(E0203001)
BuildError = False
BuildWarning = False
BuildCancelled = False
>>> ... When a build error occurs, displayed as follows
Error = None
BuildError = True
BuildWarning = False
BuildCancelled = False