The map information (the information of the link result) is output to the link map file.
Select the build tool node on the project tree and select the [Link Options] tab on the Property panel.
To output the link map file, set the [Output link map file] property in the [List] category.
Select [Yes(List contents=not specify)(-LISt -SHow)] or [Yes(List contents=ALL)(-LISt -SHow=ALL)] in the [Output link map file] property.
Select [Yes(List contents=specify)(-LISt)] in the [Output link map file] property. The following property will be displayed.
Select [Yes] for each output information property.
The link map file is output to the folder specified in the [Output folder] property in the [Output File] category.
It is also shown on the project tree, under the Build tool generated files node.