
This option controls outputting far jump.

[Specification format]




Interpretation when omitted

The instructions in accordance with the -Xcall_jump option are generated.

[Detailed description]


This option generates the code that uses the jarl32 and jr32 instruction for the branch to functions (including interrupt functions described by C language) specified in far jump calling function list file file.


".fjp" is recommended as the extension of file.


An error will occur if file does not exist.


An error will occur if file is omitted.


An error will occur during linking if the function is in the range that cannot be branched to by the jarl or jr directive (±2MB or more) when the -Xcall_jump=22 option is specified. In this case, recompile by using this option.


If this option is specified more than once, the option specified last will be valid.


The example of the output code is shown below.


C source

far_func();     /* "jarl _far_func, lp" is output by default. */



Output assembly source

jarl32  _far_func, lp



Cautions about are the format of the far jump calling function list file as follows.


Describe with one function name per line.
If two or more function name is described, the first name will be valid.


Describe the function name (label name in an assembly source) by prefixing "_" to that in C language.
However, the following formats can be specified instead of function names.




All functions are called.


All interrupt functions are called.



Rutime routines can be specified instead of functions.
In this case, describe the runtime routine name as-is as the function name.


A space and tab can be inserted before and after function names.


Only ASCII characters can be used.
After the space characters at the beginning of a line, a non-space character string until the next space character or the end of the line is treated as a function name, and the rest of the line (from the space character to the end of the line) is ignored.


Comments cannot be inserted.


Up to 1023 characters can be specified per line (including a space and tab).


The example when specifying functions is shown below.


[Example of use]


To generate the code that uses jmp directive to branch to the function specified in func.fjp, describe as:

>ccrh -Xfar_jump=func.fjp -Xcommon=rh850 main.c