
This option specifies that an object file common to the various devices is generated.

[Specification format]




Interpretation when omitted

An error will occur.

However, an error will not occur if the -V or -h option is specified.

The interpretation when this option is omitted will change as follows in CC-RH V1.02.00 and later versions.

The instruction set architecture is set to V850E3v5 (this is the same result as when -Xcommon=v850e3v5 is specified).

[Detailed description]


This option specifies that an object file common to the various devices is generated.


When this option is specified, only instructions are used in the instruction set architecture of the target, and common magic number series that supports the instruction set architecture is embed into the object file.


The item that can be specified as series is shown below.
An error will occur if any other item is specified.


It is possible to link to the model with the V850E3v5 instruction set architecture, which is specified as a target device.


The result is the same as when "v850e3v5" is specified.



An error will occur if series is omitted.

[Example of use]


To embed the magic number common to models with the instruction set architectures superior to V850E3V5 into the object file to be generated, describe as:

>asrh -Xcommon=v850e3v5 -c main.asm