Register a watch-expression

There are three ways as follows to register watch-expressions (watch-expressions are not registered as default).

Caution 1.

Watch-expressions can be registered up to 3000 in one watch panel (if this restriction is violated, a message appears).

Caution 2.

Due to compiler optimization, the data for the target variable may not be on the stack or in a register in blocks where that variable is not used. In such cases, if the variable is registered as a watch-expression, then the value will be displayed as a question mark "?".

Remark 1.

Each watch-expression registered in each watch panel (Watch1 to Watch4) is managed in each panel and saved as the user information of the project.

Remark 2.

More than one watch-expression with the same name can be registered.


Register from other panels

Watch-expressions can be registered from other panel in CS+.

In other panel, drag and drop the watch-expression to register in any watch panel (Watch1 to Watch4).

For the relationship between panels that can use this operation and targets that can be registered as watch-expressions, see "Table A.2 Relationship between Panels and Targets That Can be Registered as Watch-Expressions".

Figure 2.105

Registering Watch-Expressions from Other Panels


You can also add a watch-expression by doing the following. First, select the target for which you wish to register a watch-expression, or move the caret to one of the target strings (the target is determined automatically). Next, from the context menu, select [Register Watch1] (but this is limited to the Watch panel (Watch 1)).


Directly register in the Watch panel

Click the button in the toolbar in any the Watch panel (Watch1 to Watch4) to display the following entry box in the [Watch] area.

Figure 2.106

Entry Box of Watch-Expression


Directly input a watch-expression from the keyboard in the entry box then press the [Enter] key.

For the input forms of watch-expressions entered this way, see the tables listed below.



A symbol name at the current caret position can be complemented by pressing the [Ctrl] + [Space] key in this area (see "2.19.2 Symbol name completion function").


Register from other application

Select the character strings of C language variables/CPU registers/I/O register/assembler symbols from an external editor and drag and drop it in the Watch panel (Watch 1 to Watch 4).

The dropped character strings are registered as a watch-expression.