Select updates page

This page displays a list of available updates. Select updates to download and install.

Figure A.2

Select updates Page


The following items are explained here.

[How to open]


From the CS+ Update Manager window menu area, click [All].


From the CS+ Update Manager window menu area, click [Microcontroller Name].

[Description of each area]


Select updates area

If a microcontroller was specified, the microcontroller name appears.

Download and install

Downloads the selected updates, and after the downloads are complete, install them.

Download only

Downloads the selected updates only.


Update selection area

Displays a list of items to update.

Click [Select all] to select the check boxes of all updates.

The following information is displayed for each update.


Displays the category of the update.

Available updates are listed under each category.


Displays the title of the update.

Download size

Displays the download size of the update.


Displays a summary of the update information.


This appears if there is detailed information about the update. Selecting it will display details in a browser.


Button [Hide]

If an update is selected in the Update Selection area, it is completely hidden.