2.11 Display List of Referencing Location

You can find and display a list of locations referencing a function/variable on the Function List panel/Variable List panel.

To do this, select the row in which the target function/variable is displayed (multiple selections possible), then from the context menu, select [Find All References].

The results of the search are output to the next Output panel's [Find References] tab.

Figure 2.19

Sample List of Locations Referencing Function (Output Panel)


The following information about the referencing locations is output to the list as the search results.

For details on the output format, see the section of the Output panel's [Find References] tab.


Performing the operation from the Function List panel


Location where target function is defined


List of locations referencing the target function


List of functions called within the target function


List of variables referenced (read/write) inside the target function


Performing the operation from the Variable List panel


Location where target variable is defined


List of locations referencing the target variable


Code in C/C++ source files that is referenced but is eliminated by the preprocessor during compilation (e.g. via "#if" or "#ifdef" statements) is not output as referenced locations.

Remarks 1.

When the function name/variable name on this panel is double-clicked, the Editor panel appears and the caret moves to the line where the function/variable is defined.

Remarks 2.

You can save the contents displayed on this Output panel's [Find References] tab to a text file (*.txt) by selecting [Save Output-Find References As...] from the [File] menu.