2.9.1 Save the project file with a different name

You can save the project file with a different name.

From the [File] or [Project] menu, select [Save Project As...], the Save Project As dialog box will open.

Figure 2.93

Save Project As Dialog Box


Specify the save folder and separate project filename (*.mtpj) on the dialog box. The project file is saved in the specified folder with the filename.

Caution 1.

The files registered to the project are the same as those in the original project (the files registered to the project are not copied).

Caution 2.

If there is already a subproject file in the same folder and with the same file name (excluding the file extension) as the project file, then the project file will not be saved correctly.
Change the name of the main project or the subproject.

Remark 1.

If you save the project file with a different name from the original project file, and then modify one or both of them, then the project files will have different contents.

Remark 2.

To save the subproject files, new folders are created with the names "new project name_n" (n: 1, 2, ...) in the same folder as where the project file is to be saved. One subproject file is saved in one folder.