3.2 Reserved words

The conversion specifications for reserved words are shown here.


Table 3.2

Conversion of Reserved Words


Reserved Word

After Conversion



Not converted

Can be used in the CC-RL without any change.



Converted only when the -A option is invalid.



Always converted.



Converted only when the -A option is invalid.



When the -ansi option is specified in the CC-RL, change the _Bool type to the char type.



Converted only when the -A option is invalid.



Converted only when the -A option is invalid.


#pragma interrupt

For details, see "Interrupt handler".


#pragma interrupt_brk

For details, see "Interrupt handler".


#pragma inline_asm

For details, see "ASM statements".


#pragma rtos_interrupt

For details, see "Interrupt handler for RTOS".


#pragma address

For details, see "Absolute address allocation specification".

__near / __far

Not converted

The operation rules of the far pointer conform to the CC-RL specifications. For details, see the user's manual of the CC-RL.

The location to write the __near or __far keyword in the declaration of a function pointer differs between the CA78K0R and CC-RL. Since the description location is not modified in the CcnvCA78K0R, it has to be modified manually. For details on the description location of keywords, see the user's manuals of the CA78K0R and CC-RL.