Secures the memory area of the number of bytes specified by operand.


Symbol field
Mnemonic field
Operand field
Comment field
[; comment]



Allocates an area for the number of bytes specified in the operand.



For a section for data having no initial values, allocates an area for the number of bytes specified in the operand. For other sections, allocates an area for the number of bytes specified in the operand and initializes it with 0.
Note, however, that no area will be secured if the specified number of bytes is 0.


An expression that conforms to "(a) Absolute expression" can be specified as the area size.


If the specified size is illegal or exceeds the range from 0x00000 to 0xFFFFF, an error will be output.


When a label is specified, it is defined as a symbol whose value is the start address of the allocated area.


        .DSEG   DATA
AREA1:  .DS     4      ; 4-byte area is allocated and initialized with 0
        .DSEG   BSS
AREA2:  .DS     8      ; 8-byte area is allocated