5.6.6 Data Types

The RX CPU can handle four types of data: integer, floating-point, bit, and string.



An integer can be signed or unsigned. For signed integers, negative values are represented by two's complements.

Figure 5.3

Integer Data



Floating-point support is for the single-precision floating-point type specified in IEEE754; operands of this type can be used in eight floating-point operation instructions: FADD, FCMP, FDIV, FMUL, FSUB, FTOI, ITOF, and ROUND.


Since products of the RX200 Series do not support instructions for floating-point operations, the floating-point exception does not occur.

The floating-point format supports the values listed below.
0 < E < 255 (normal numbers)
E = 0 and F = 0 (signed zero)
E = 0 and F > 0 (denormalized numbers)*
E = 255 and F = 0 (infinity)
E = 255 and F > 0 (NaN: Not-a-Number)


* The number is treated as 0 when the DN bit in the FPSW is 1. When the DN bit is 0, an unimplemented processing exception is generated.

Figure 5.4

Floating-point Data


Bitwise Operations

Five bit-manipulation instructions are provided for bitwise operations: BCLR, BMCnd, BNOT, BSET, and BTST.

A bit in a register is specified as the destination register and a bit number in the range from 31 to 0.

A bit in memory is specified as the destination address and a bit number from 7 to 0. The addressing modes available to specify addresses are register indirect and register relative.

Figure 5.5

Register Bit Specification



The string data type consists of an arbitrary number of consecutive byte (8-bit), word (16-bit), or longword (32-bit) units. Seven string manipulation instructions are provided for use with strings: SCMPU, SMOVB, SMOVF, SMOVU, SSTR, SUNTIL, and SWHILE.

Figure 5.6

String Data