7.5.2 Memory Management Library

The header file for the memory management library is as follows:



Defines the memory allocation/deallocation function.


By setting an exception handling function address to the _ec2p_new_handler variable, exception handling can be executed if memory allocation fails. The _ec2p_new_handler is a static variable and the initial value is NULL. If this handler is used, reentrance will be lost.


Operations required for the exception handling function:


Creates an allocatable area and returns the area.


Operations are not prescribed for cases where an area cannot be created.


Definition Name




Pointer type to the function that returns a void type.



Pointer to an exception handling function.


void* operator new(size_t size)

Allocates a memory area with a size specified by size.

void* operator new[ ](size_t size)

Allocates an array area with a size specified by size.

void* operator new(
size_t size, void* ptr)

Allocates the area specified by ptr as the memory area.

void* operator new[ ](
size_t size, void* ptr)

Allocates the area specified by ptr as the array area.

void operator delete(void* ptr)

Deallocates the memory area.

void operator delete[ ](void* ptr)

Deallocates the array area.

new_handler set_new_handler(
new_handler new_P)

Sets the exception handling function address (new_P) in _ec2p_new_handler.


void* operator new(size_t size)

Allocates a memory area with the size specified by size.

If memory allocation fails and when new_handler is set, new_handler is called.

Return value: If memory allocation succeeds: Pointer to void type

If memory allocation fails: NULL


void* operator new[ ](size_t size)

Allocates an array area with the size specified by size.

If memory allocation fails and when new_handler is set, new_handler is called.

Return value: If memory allocation succeeds: Pointer to void type

If memory allocation fails: NULL


void* operator new(size_t size, void* ptr)

Allocates the area specified by ptr as the storage area.

Return value: ptr


void* operator new[ ](size_t size, void* ptr)

Allocates the area specified by ptr as the array area.

Return value: ptr


void operator delete(void* ptr)

Deallocates the storage area specified by ptr.

If ptr is NULL, no operation will be performed.


void operator delete[ ](void* ptr)

Deallocates the array area specified by ptr.

If ptr is NULL, no operation will be performed.


new_handler set_new_handler(new_handler new_P)

Sets new_P to _ec2p_new_handler.

Return value: _ec2p_new_handler.