A.6.2 Local Variables and Global Variables

Variables that can be used as local variables must be declared as local variables and not as global variables. There is a possibility that the value of a global variable will be changed by function calling or pointer operations, thus the efficiency of optimization is degraded.

The following advantages are available when local variables are used.


Access cost is low


May be assigned to a register


Efficiency of optimization is good


Case in which global variables are used for temporary variables (before improvement) and case in which local variables are used (after improvement)

Source code before improvement

int tmp;
void func(int* a, int* b)
     tmp = *a;
     *a = *b;
     *b = tmp;


Assembly-language expansion code before improvement

     MOV.L #_tmp,R4
     MOV.L [R1],[R4]
     MOV.L [R2],[R1]
     MOV.L [R4],[R2]


Source code after improvement

void func(int* a, int* b)
     int tmp;
     tmp = *a;
     *a = *b;
     *b = tmp;


Assembly-language expansion code after improvement

     MOV.L [R1],R5
     MOV.L [R2],[R1]
     MOV.L R5,[R2]