[Connect Settings] tab

In the [Connect Settings] tab, you configure the connection with the debug tool for each one of the following categories.


(1) [Internal ROM/RAM]

(2) [Clock]

(3) [Connection with Target Board]

(4) [Flash]

(5) [Operating Modes of CPU]

(6) [External Flash]


[Internal ROM/RAM]

The configuration of internal ROM/RAM is displayed in this category.

Figure 2.45

[Internal ROM/RAM] Category


[Size of internal ROM[KBytes]

The internal ROM size to emulate is displayed (unit: Kbytes).

You cannot change the value of this property.


[Size of internal RAM[Bytes]]

The internal RAM size to emulate is displayed (unit: bytes).

You cannot change the value of this property.


[Size of DataFlash memory[KBytes]]

The data flash memory size is displayed (unit: Kbytes).

If the currently selected microcontroller does not incorporate the data flash, [0] is displayed.

You cannot change the value of this property.



You can configure the clock in this category.


You cannot change the property in this category while connected to EZ Emulator.

Figure 2.46

[Clock] Category [HOCO]

Figure 2.47

[Clock] Category [EXTAL]


[Main clock source]

Select EXTAL frequency or internal HOCO as the main clock source. [EXTAL] will be displayed for microcontrollers with no internal HOCO.


[Main clock frequency [MHz]]

Specify the main clock frequency (before multiplier).

Specify EXTAL frequency by directly entering a number between 0.0001 and 99.9999 (MHz). The entered value will be truncated to 4 decimal places. If the value is out of the specifiable range, it will be rounded to 0.0001 (when 0 or below) or to 99.9999 (when 100 or above).

This property is displayed only when you have selected [EXTAL] in the [Main clock source] property.


[Operating frequency [MHz]]

Specify the Operating frequency (ICLK) by directly entering a number between 0.0001 and 999.999 (MHz).

If the value is out of the specifiable range, it will be rounded to 0.0001 (if 0 or negative) or to 999.999 (if 1000 or greater).


[Allow changing of the clock source on writing internal flash memory]

Specify whether to allow a debugger to operate the clock while the internal flash memory is being rewritten.


[EZ Emulator [RX600 Series, RX200 Series, RX100 Series]]
When [Yes] is selected, if internal flash ROM is rewritten by the debugger while the FlashIF clock (FCLK) of the microcontroller is outside of the guaranteed operating range (that is, while operating with LOCO or subclock), the EZ Emulator will switch the clock source. After rewriting to the internal flash ROM is completed, the clock will be restored to the previous clock source.
Note that the operating frequency of the peripheral clock will change during internal flash memory rewriting because the clock source is switched.
The clock manipulation enabling setting takes effect when the internal flash ROM is rewritten after program execution or step execution. Note that the clock source is forcibly switched regardless of the clock manipulation enabling setting if FCLK is outside of the guaranteed operating range immediately after the debug tool is activated or when the [CPU Reset] button is clicked.


[Connection with Target Board]

You can configure the connection between EZ Emulator and the target board in this category.

Figure 2.48

[Connection with Target Board] Category


[User Vcc[V]]

Specify the value of the microcontroller’s operating voltage that is actually supplied to the user board.

Directly enter a numerical value from 0.0001 to 9.9999 (unit: V).


This property cannot be changed while connected to EZ Emulator.


[Communications method]

Displays the method of communication used by the EZ Emulator for communicating with the microcontroller on the target system.

You cannot change the value of this property.

For the details of debug tool selection, see "2.3.1 Select the debug tool to use".


[FINE baud rate[bps]]

From the drop-down list, select the baud rate (FINE baud rate) to be used by the EZ Emulator for communicating with the microcontroller on the target system.

The following baud rate is displayed in the drop-down list.


1000000 (default), 500000, 250000

Caution 1.

This property cannot be changed while connected to EZ Emulator.

Caution 2.

Depending on the length or the method of FINE signal wiring on the target system, it may not be possible to communicate using the selected FINE baud rate. In such a case, reducing the FINE baud rate may achieve successful communication.



You can configure the flash memory rewriting in this category.


This property cannot be changed while connected to EZ Emulator.

Figure 2.49

[Flash] Category


[Input Mode of ID code]

Specify a mode for the input of ID code.


This property cannot be changed while connected to EZ Emulator.


[ID code]

Enter the ID code to release the flash memory from the protected state.

If you have selected [Specify the ID code as a 32-digit hexadecimal] in the [Input Mode of ID code] property, enter the ID code in a 32-digit hexadecimal number. If you have selected [Specify the ID code as an ASCII code within 16 characters], enter the ID code using maximum 16 ASCII characters.

Caution 1.

This property cannot be changed while connected to EZ Emulator.

Caution 2.

To enter the ID code as a 32-digit hexadecimal value, arrange it as a sequence of 32-bit units of data.
Byte order of the ID code of the flash programmer can be different from that of CS+. Please confirm the specification about ID code of the flash programmer you’re using.

Caution 3.

If the ID code entered in ASCII characters is shorter than 16 characters, the unused space will be padded with 0.

Caution 4.

Even if you have downloaded a program that contains an ID code, that ID code is replaced with FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.


[Work RAM start address]

Specify the location address of the work RAM to be used by the debugger. Specify an address value that is a multiple of four bytes. If the entered value is not a multiple of four bytes, the value is automatically corrected.

The amount of memory indicated by the [Work RAM size[bytes]] property beginning with this address is to be used by the debugger firmware.

Caution 1.

This property cannot be changed while connected to EZ Emulator.

Caution 2.

The work RAM area can also be used by the user program because the emulator saves and restores data in this area. Note, however, that the work RAM area is not specifiable as:
the destination or origin of a DMA or DTC transfer, an address where a DTC vector table or transfer information is to be allocated, or the interrupt vector for a DMAC or DTC activation source.


[Work RAM size[bytes]]

Displays the size of the work RAM to be used by the debugger.


[Operating Modes of CPU]

In this category, you configure the operating mode of the microcontroller to be emulated.


This property cannot be changed while connected to EZ Emulator.

Figure 2.50

[Operating Modes of CPU] Category


[Mode pins setting]

Specify the operating mode set by the mode pin of the microcontroller.

The setting is fixed to single-chip mode while the EZ Emulator is in use.


[Register setting]

Specify the operating mode to be set by the register.

The setting is fixed to single-chip mode while the EZ Emulator is in use.



Display the project endian. Acquires endian information from the project and displays its value. Can be selected only when the debug tool is disconnected.


[External Flash]

In this category, you can configure external flash.

Although this category is controllable while the EZ Emulator is in use, any setting for this category is not reflected because the microcontroller’s operating mode is fixed to single-chip mode.