[Toolbars] tab

You can set whether toolbars are displayed or not, change toolbar names, and make new toolbars.

Figure A.63

User Setting Dialog Box: [Toolbars] Tab


The following items are explained here.

[How to open]


From the [Tool] menu, select [User Setting...].

[Description of each area]


[Toolbars] area

Display a list of the names of registered toolbars.

A check mark appears in front of the name of the toolbar currently displayed in the Main window. By removing the check mark, you make a setting so that the toolbar will not be displayed.




Opens the New Toolbar dialog box to make a new toolbar.

The name of the new toolbar will be added to the list displayed in the [Toolbars] area with a check mark placed in front.

Note that there are no buttons on the newly created toolbar. The register buttons on it, use the [Commands] tab.


Opens the Rename Toolbar dialog box to change the name of the currently selected toolbar.

This function is disabled when a toolbar other than those created by the user is selected.


Deletes the selected toolbar.

This function is disabled when a toolbar other than those created by the user is selected.


Discards all changes made to the selected toolbar and returns it to the default state.

When a toolbar created by the user is selected, this button returns the selected toolbar to the state with no buttons registered on it.

[Function buttons]




Opens the Customize Keyboard dialog box to assign customized items to keys on the keyboard.


Cancels the toolbar/menu customization settings and closes this dialog box.