[Librarian Options] tab

This tab shows the detailed information on the link phase categorized by the following and the configuration can be changed.


(1) [Input]

(2) [Output]

(3) [List]

(4) [Others]


This tab is not displayed for the application project.

[Description of each category]



The detailed information on input files is displayed and the configuration can be changed.

Input object module file

Specifies an input object module file.

Add one file in one line.

The following placeholders are supported.

%ActiveProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the active project folder.

%ActiveProjectName%: Replaces with the active project name.

%BuildModeName%: Replaces with the build mode name.

%MainProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the main project folder.

%MainProjectName%: Replaces with the main project name.

%MicomToolPath%: Replaces with the absolute path of the install folder of this product.

%ProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the project folder.

%ProjectName%: Replaces with the project name.

%TempDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the temporary folder.

%WinDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the Windows system folder.

This property corresponds to the -Input option of the linker.

The specified file name is displayed as the subproperty.


Input object module file[number of defined items]

How to change

Edit by the Text Edit dialog box which appears when clicking the [...] button.

For the subproperty, you can use the text box directly enter the text.


Up to 32767 characters

Up to 65536 items can be specified.

Using libraries

Specifies an input library file.

The following placeholders are supported.

%ActiveProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the active project folder.

%ActiveProjectName%: Replaces with the active project name.

%BuildModeName%: Replaces with the build mode name.

%MainProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the main project folder.

%MainProjectName%: Replaces with the main project name.

%MicomToolPath%: Replaces with the absolute path of the install folder of this product.

%ProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the project folder.

%ProjectName%: Replaces with the project name.

%TempDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the temporary folder.

%WinDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the Windows system folder.

This property corresponds to the -library option of the linker.

The library file name is displayed as the subproperty.


Input library file [number of defined items]

How to change

Edit by the Path Edit dialog box which appears when clicking the [...] button.

For the subproperty, you can enter directly in the text box.


Up to 259 characters

Up to 65536 items can be specified.

System library file

Changes the specified order of the library files which the system set during linking.

The specified system library files are displayed.

This property corresponds to the -library option of the linker.


System library file[number of defined items]

How to change

Edit by the System Include Path Order dialog box which appears when clicking the [...] button.


Changes not allowed (Only the specified order of the system library files can be changed.)

Input binary data file

Specifies an input binary data file.

Specifies in the format of "file name (section name:boundary alignment/section attribute,symbol name)", with one file name per line.

The ":boundary alignment", "/section attribute", or ",symbol name" part can be omitted.

1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 can be specified for the "boundary alignment".

When the "boundary alignment" specification is omitted, 1 is used as the default.

CODE or DATA can be specified for the "section attribute".

When "section attribute" specification is omitted, the write, read, and execute attributes are all enabled by default.

The following placeholders are supported.

%ActiveProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the active project folder.

%ActiveProjectName%: Replaces with the active project name.

%BuildModeName%: Replaces with the build mode name.

%MainProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the main project folder.

%MainProjectName%: Replaces with the main project name.

%MicomToolPath%: Replaces with the absolute path of the install folder of this product.

%ProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the project folder.

%ProjectName%: Replaces with the project name.

%TempDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the temporary folder.

%WinDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the Windows system folder.

This property corresponds to the -binary option of the linker.

This property is displayed only when [Relocatable module file (-FOrm=Relocate)] in the [Output file type] property in the [Output] category is selected.


Specify binary data file[number of defined items]

How to change

Edit by the Text Edit dialog box which appears when clicking the [...] button.

For the subproperty, you can use the text box directly enter the text.


Up to 32767 characters

Up to 65536 items can be specified.

Initiates the prelinker

Selects whether to initiate the prelinker (The automatic generation of C++ template instance).

This property corresponds to the -noprelink option of the linker.


Automatic control

How to change

Select from the drop-down list.


Automatic control

Disables the prelinker initiation if there is no ii file in a file to be input to linker.


Enables the prelinker initiation.

No (-NOPRElink)

Disables the prelinker initiation.



The detailed information on output files are displayed and the configuration can be changed.

Output file type

Displays the output file type.

This property corresponds to the -form option of the linker.


User library file (-FOrm=Library=U)

How to change

Changes not allowed.


User library file (-FOrm=Library=U)

Outputs a user library file.

System library file (-FOrm=Library=S)

Outputs a system library file.

Relocatable module file (-FOrm=Relocate)

Outputs a relocatable module file.

Outputs debugging information

Specifies whether debugging information is output.

This property corresponds to the -nodebug and -debug options of the linker.

This property is displayed only when [Relocatable module file (-FOrm=Relocate)] in the [Output file type] property is selected.


Yes (Outputs to the output file) (-DEBug)

How to change

Select from the drop-down list.


Yes (Outputs to the output file) (-DEBug)

Outputs a debugging information to the output file.

No (-NODEBug)

Does not output a debugging information.

Path of the output folder

Specifies path of the output folder.

The following placeholders are supported.

%ActiveProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the active project folder.

%ActiveProjectName%: Replaces with the active project name.

%BuildModeName%: Replaces with the build mode name.

%MainProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the main project folder.

%MainProjectName%: Replaces with the main project name.

%MicomToolPath%: Replaces with the absolute path of the install folder of this product.

%ProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the project folder.

%ProjectName%: Replaces with the project name.

%TempDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the temporary folder.

%WinDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the Windows system folder.

If this is blank, it is assumed that the project folder has been specified.

This property corresponds to the -output option of the linker.



How to change

Directly enter in the text box or edit by the Browse For Folder dialog box which appears when clicking the [...] button.


Up to 247 characters

Output file name

Specifies an output file name.

The default extensions depends on [Output file type] property when extension omitted.

The default extensions are as follows:

"User library file (-FOrm=Library=U)" : .lib

"System library file (-FOrm=Library=S)" : .lib

"Relocatable module file (-FOrm=Relocate)" : .rel.

The following placeholders are supported.

%ActiveProjectName%: Replaces with the active project name.

%BuildModeName%: Replaces with the build mode name.

%MainProjectName%: Replaces with the main project name.

%ProjectName%: Replaces with the project name.

This property corresponds to the -output option of the linker.



When [User library file (-FOrm=Library=U)] in the [Output file type] property is selected



When [System library file (-FOrm=Library=S)] in the [Output file type] property is selected



When [Relocatable module file (-FOrm=Relocate)] in the [Output file type] property is selected


How to change

Directly enter in the text box.


Up to 259 characters

Enables information-level message output

Specifies whether to enable information-level message output.

This property corresponds to the -message and -nomessage options of the linker.


No (-NOMessage)

How to change

Select from the drop-down list.


Yes (-Message)

Outputs information level messages.

No (-NOMessage)

Disables the output of information level messages.

Suppresses the number of information-level messages

Specifies suppresses the number of information-level messages.

If multiple message numbers are specified, delimit them with a comma (example: 23043,23042).

Also, the range can be set using hyphen (example: 23044-23045,23046-23048).

This property corresponds to the -nomessage option of the linker.

This property is displayed only when [No (-NOMessage)] in the [Enables information-level message output] property is specified.



How to change

Directly enter in the text box or edit by the Character String Input dialog box which appears when clicking the [...] button.


Up to 32767 characters



The detailed information on the list are displayed and the configuration can be changed.

Outputs the linkage list file

Selects whether to output the linkage list file.

This property corresponds to the -list and -show option of the linker.


Yes (List contents=specify) (-LISt)

How to change

Select from the drop-down list.


Yes (List contents=not specify) (-LISt -SHow)

Outputs the default information associated with a output file type to a linkage list file.

Yes (List contents=ALL) (-LISt -SHow=ALL)

Outputs all information associated with a output file type to a linkage list file.

Yes (List contents=specify) (-LISt)

Outputs the specified information to a linkage list file.


Does not output a linkage list file.

Outputs a symbol name list in a module

Selects whether to output a symbol name list in a module.

This property corresponds to the -show option of the linker.

This property is displayed only when [Yes (List contents=specify) (-LISt)] in the [Outputs the linkage list file] property is selected.



How to change

Select from the drop-down list.


Yes (-SHow=SYmbo)

Outputs a symbol name list in a module.


Does not output a symbol name list in a module.

Outputs a section list in a module

Selects whether to output a section list in a module.

This property corresponds to the -show option of the linker.

This property is displayed only when [Yes (List contents=specify) (-LISt)] in the [Outputs the linkage list file] property and [User library file (-FOrm=Library=U)] or [System library file (-FOrm=Library=S)] in the [Output file type] property in the [Output] category is selected.



How to change

Select from the drop-down list.


Yes (-SHow=SEction)

Outputs a section list in a module.


Does not output a section list in a module.

Outputs the cross-reference information

Selects whether to output the cross-reference information.

This property corresponds to the -show option of the linker.

This property is displayed only when [Yes (List contents=specify) (-LISt)] in the [Outputs the linkage list file] property and [Relocatable module file (-FOrm=Relocate)] in the [Output file type] property in the [Output] category is selected.



How to change

Select from the drop-down list.


Yes (-SHow=Xreference)

Outputs the cross reference information to the linkage list file.


Does not output the cross reference information to the linkage list file.

Shows the total sizes of sections

Selects whether to show the total sizes of sections.

This property corresponds to the -show option of the linker.

This property is displayed only when [Yes (List contents=specify) (-LISt)] in the [Outputs the linkage list file] property and [Relocatable module file (-FOrm=Relocate)] in the [Output file type] property in the [Output] category is selected.



How to change

Select from the drop-down list.


Yes (-SHow=Total_size)

Shows the total sizes of sections allocated to the ROM and RAM areas.


Does not show the total sizes of sections.

Outputs vector information

Selects whether to output vector information.

This property corresponds to the -show option of the linker.

This property is displayed only when [Yes (List contents=specify) (-LISt)] in the [Outputs the linkage list file] property and [Relocatable module file (-FOrm=Relocate)] in the [Output file type] property in the [Output] category is selected.



How to change

Select from the drop-down list.


Yes (-SHow=VECTOR)

Outputs vector information to the linkage list file.


Does not output vector information to the linkage list file.



Other detailed information on library generators are displayed and the configuration can be changed.

Reduces the memory occupancy

Selects whether to reduce the memory occupancy.

This property corresponds to the -memory option of the linker.

This property is not displayed when any one of the following items is selected.


[User library file (-FOrm=Library=U)] or [System library file (-FOrm=Library=S)] in the [Output file type] property in the [Output] category and [Yes (-Hide)] in the [Deletes local symbol name information] property


[System library file (-FOrm=Relocate)] in the [Output file type] property in the [Output] category


No (-MEMory=High)

How to change

Select from the drop-down list.


Yes (-MEMory=Low)

Reduces the memory occupancy.

No (-MEMory=High)

Does not reduce the memory occupancy.

Changes the warning-level and error-level messages to information-level messages

Selects whether to change the warning-level and error-level messages to information-level messages.

This property corresponds to the -change_message option of the linker.



How to change

Select from the drop-down list.


Yes(All) (-change_message=information)

Changes all warning-level and error-level messages to the information-level messages.

Yes(Specifies error number) (-change_message=information=<ErrorNumber>)

Changes the warning-level and error-level messages with the specified error numbers to the information-level messages.


Does not change the warning-level and error-level messages to the information-level messages.

Error number of warning-level and error-level message

Specifies error number of warning-level and error-level message.

If multiple message numbers are specified, delimit them with a comma (example: 23043,23042).

Also, the range can be set using hyphen (example: 23044-23045,23046-23048).

This property corresponds to the -change_message option of the linker.

This property is displayed only when [Yes(Specifies error number) (-change_message=information=<ErrorNumber>)] in the [Changes the warning-level and error-level messages to information-level messages] property is specified.



How to change

Directly enter in the text box or edit by the Character String Input dialog box which appears when clicking the [...] button.


Up to 32767 characters

Changes the information-level and error-level messages to warning-level messages

Selects whether to change the information-level and error-level messages to warning-level messages.

This property corresponds to the -change_message option of the linker.



How to change

Select from the drop-down list.


Yes(All) (-change_message=warning)

Changes all information-level and error-level messages to warning-level messages.

Yes(Specifies error number) (-change_message=warning=<ErrorNumber>)

Changes the information-level and error-level messages with the specified error numbers to warning-level messages.


Does not change the information-level and error-level messages to warning-level messages.

Error number of information-level and error-level message

Specifies error number of information-level and error-level message.

If multiple message numbers are specified, delimit them with a comma (example: 23043,23042).

Also, the range can be set using hyphen (example: 23044-23045,23046-23048).

This property corresponds to the -change_message option of the linker.

This property is displayed only when [Yes(Specifies error number) (-change_message=warning=<ErrorNumber>)] in the [Changes the information-level and error-level messages to warning-level messages] property is specified.



How to change

Directly enter in the text box or edit by the Character String Input dialog box which appears when clicking the [...] button.


Up to 32767 characters

Changes the information-level and warning-level messages to error-level messages

Selects whether to change the information-level and warning-level messages to error-level messages.

This property corresponds to the -change_message option of the linker.



How to change

Select from the drop-down list.


Yes(All) (-change_message=error)

Changes all information-level and warning-level messages to error-level messages.

Yes(Specifies error number) (-change_message=error=<ErrorNumber>)

Changes the information-level and warning-level messages with the specified error numbers to error-level messages.


Does not change the warning-level messages to information-level messages.

Error number of information-level and warning-level message

Specifies error number of information-level and warning-level message.

If multiple message numbers are specified, delimit them with a comma (example: 23043,23042).

Also, the range can be set using hyphen (example: 23044-23045,23046-23048).

This property corresponds to the -change_message option of the linker.

This property is displayed only when [Yes(Specifies error number) (-change_message=error=<ErrorNumber>)] in the [Changes the information-level and warning-level messages to error-level messages] property is specified.



How to change

Directly enter in the text box or edit by the Character String Input dialog box which appears when clicking the [...] button.


Up to 32767 characters

Deletes local symbol name information

Selects whether to delete local symbol name information.

This property corresponds to the -hide option of the linker.



How to change

Select from the drop-down list.


Yes (-Hide)

Deletes local symbol name information.


Does not delete local symbol name information.

Displays the total sizes of sections

Selects whether to display the total sizes of sections.

This property corresponds to the -total_size option of the linker.

This property is displayed only when [Relocatable module file (-FOrm=Relocate)] in the [Output file type] property in the [Output] category is selected.



How to change

Select from the drop-down list.


Yes (-Total_size)

Displays the total sizes of sections.


Does not display the total sizes of sections.

Displays the copyright information

Selects whether to display the copyright information.

This property corresponds to the -logo and -nologo option of the linker.


No (-NOLOgo)

How to change

Select from the drop-down list.


Yes (-LOgo)

Displays the total sizes of sections.

No (-NOLOgo)

Does not display the total sizes of sections.

Commands executed before librarian processing

Specifies the command to be executed before librarian processing.

Use the call instruction to specify a batch file (example: call a.bat).

The following placeholders are supported.

%ActiveProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the active project folder.

%ActiveProjectName%: Replaces with the active project name.

%BuildModeName%: Replaces with the build mode name.

%LibrarianFile%: Replaces with the absolute path of the output file under librarian processing.

%MainProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the main project folder.

%MainProjectName%: Replaces with the main project name.

%MicomToolPath%: Replaces with the absolute path of the install folder of this product.

%OutputDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the output folder.

%OutputFile%: Replaces with the absolute path of the output file.

%Program%: Replaces with the file name of the running program.

%ProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the project folder.

%ProjectName%: Replaces with the project name.

%TempDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the temporary folder.

%WinDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the Windows system folder.

When "#!python" is described in the first line, the contents from the second line to the last line are regarded as the script of the Python console, and then executed before librarian processing.

The placeholders can be described in the script.

The specified command is displayed as the subproperty.


Commands executed before librarian processing[number of defined items]

How to change

Edit by the Text Edit dialog box which appears when clicking the [...] button.

For the subproperty, you can use the text box directly enter the text.


Up to 1023 characters

Up to 64 items can be specified.

Commands executed after librarian processing

Specifies the command to be executed after librarian processing.

Use the call instruction to specify a batch file (example: call a.bat).

The following placeholders are supported.

%ActiveProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the active project folder.

%ActiveProjectName%: Replaces with the active project name.

%BuildModeName%: Replaces with the build mode name.

%LibrarianFile%: Replaces with the absolute path of the output file under librarian processing.

%MainProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the main project folder.

%MainProjectName%: Replaces with the main project name.

%MicomToolPath%: Replaces with the absolute path of the install folder of this product.

%OutputDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the output folder.

%OutputFile%: Replaces with the absolute path of the output file.

%Program%: Replaces with the file name of the running program.

%ProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the project folder.

%ProjectName%: Replaces with the project name.

%TempDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the temporary folder.

%WinDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the Windows system folder.

When "#!python" is described in the first line, the contents from the second line to the last line are regarded as the script of the Python console, and then executed after librarian processing.

The placeholders can be described in the script.

The specified command is displayed as the subproperty.


Commands executed after librarian processing[number of defined items]

How to change

Edit by the Text Edit dialog box which appears when clicking the [...] button.

For the subproperty, you can use the text box directly enter the text.


Up to 1023 characters

Up to 64 items can be specified.

Other additional options

Inputs the link options to be added additionally.

The options set here are added at the end of the link options group.

The following placeholders are supported.

%ActiveProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the active project folder.

%ActiveProjectName%: Replaces with the active project name.

%BuildModeName%: Replaces with the build mode name.

%MainProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the main project folder.

%MainProjectName%: Replaces with the main project name.

%MicomToolPath%: Replaces with the absolute path of the install folder of this product.

%ProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the project folder.

%ProjectName%: Replaces with the project name.

%TempDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the temporary folder.

%WinDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the Windows system folder.



How to change

Directly enter to the text box or edit by the Character String Input dialog box which appears when clicking the [...] button.


Up to 259 characters

Command line

The specified option is displayed.


Command line[number of defined items]

How to change

Changes not allowed