2.4 Method for Manipulating

Input on the command line should be made as follows.


file : File name

option : Option name

[ ] : Can be omitted

... : Pattern in proceeding [ ] can be repeated

{ } : Select from items delimited by the pipe symbol ("|")

Δ : One or more spaces



Any file names supported by Windows are allowed as input file names or file names to be specified for options.


Input file names and file names to be specified for options can also be specified with an absolute path or relative path. When specifying an input file name or a file name to be specified for an option without the path or with a relative path, the reference point of the path is the current folder.


When a space is included in an input file name or a file name to be specified for an option (including the path name), enclose the file name including the path name in a pair of double quotation marks (").


The maximum length of an input file name or a file name to be specified for an option depends on Windows (up to 259 characters).


An error will occur when more than one input file name is specified. Use the -l option to specify multiple input file names.


When an input file is specified, it is certainly necessary to specify an output file name. When an input file has been specified on the command line, use the -o option to specify the output file.


An error will occur if the same option is specified for more than once.