
This option controls outputting the result of preprocessing.

[Specification format]




Interpretation when omitted

The comments and line number information of the C source are not output to the preprocessed file.

[Detailed description]


This option outputs the comments and line number information of the C source to the preprocessed file.


This option is valid only when the -P option is specified.
If the -P option is not specified, this option will be ignored.


The items that can be specified as string are shown below.
An error will occur if any other item is specified.


Outputs the comments of the C source.


Outputs line number informationNote.


<Format of line number information>

#line line-number "file-name"


line-number is a decimal number, and the maximum value is the maximum number of unsigned int.


In the full path of file-name, "\\" is converted to "\", and '"' to '\"'.
Other than printable characters (including spaces) are output as "\3-digit octal number " (e.g. "\\%03o").
Line feed characters are converted to "\\n".


If an input source file contains the preprocessor directive '#number "string"' or '#line number "string"', then number is used as line-number, and string as file-name.



An error will occur if string is omitted.


It is output in the standard character encoding of the OS.

[Example of use]


To output the comments and line number information of the C source to the preprocessed file, describe as:

>ccrh -Xpreprocess=comment,line -P -Xcommon=rh850 main.c


The following example is equivalent to the example above.

>ccrh -Xpreprocess=comment -Xpreprocess=line -P -Xcommon=rh850 main.c