7.4.10 Mathematical functions

Mathematical functions are as follows.

Table 7.12

Mathematical Functions

Function/Macro Name


acos functions

Arc cosine

asin functions

Arc sine

atan functions

Arc tangent

atan2 functions

Arc tangent (y / x)

cos functions


sin functions


tan functions


cosh functions

Hyperbolic cosine

sinh functions

Hyperbolic sine

tanh functions

Hyperbolic tangent

exp functions

Exponent function

frexp functions

Divide floating-point number into mantissa and power

ldexp functions

Convert floating-point number to power

log functions

Logarithmic function (natural logarithm)

log10 functions

Logarithmic function (base = 10)

modf functions

Divide floating-point number into integer and decimal

fabs functions

Absolute value function

pow functions

Power function

sqrt functions

Square root function

ceil functions

ceiling function

floor functions

floor function

round functions [V2.01.00 or later]

Rounds a floating-point number to the nearest integer in the floating-point representation

lround functions and llround functions [V2.01.00 or later]

Rounds a floating-point number to the nearest integer

trunc functions [V2.01.00 or later]

Rounds a floating-point number to the nearest integer in the floating-point representation

fmod functions

Remainder function

copysign functions [V2.00.00 or later]

Combine sign and absolute value

fmax functions [V2.00.00 or later]

Choose a greater value

fmin functions [V2.00.00 or later]

Choose a less value