2.10.1 Display call stack information

Call stack information is displayed in the Call Stack panel below.

Select the [View] menu >> [Call Stack].

For details on the contents and function in each area, see the section for the Call Stack panel.

Caution 1.

Nothing is displayed on this panel during execution of a program.
When the program is stopped, items in each area are displayed.

Caution 2.

Except for [Simulator]

If step execution is performed in source level, CS+ determines whether an interrupt is being processed via the NP, EP, and ID flags in the PSW register. For this reason, if the above register or flags are changed (e.g. when using multiple interrupts), then call stack information may be incorrect.

Figure 2.115

Display Call Stack Information (Call Stack Panel)

(1): [Depth] area

(2): [Call Stack] area


This section describes the following. Change display format of values Jump to the source line Display local variables Save the contents of call stack information