2.8.7 Other break causes

The cause of the break other than the described above is as follows:

You can confirm the break cause with the Status message on the statusbar in the Main window.

Table 2.6

Other Break Causes

Break Cause

Debug Tool to Use


EZ Emulator



Full of the trace memoryNote 1





An occurrence of Trace Delay Break





Execution time-over detected





An access to non-mapped area





A writing to write-protected area





An access to the odd number address by the word width





An occurrence of Temporary BreakNote 2





An occurrence of Flash Illegal Break





Illegal action of program related to the peripheral chip functionNote 3





Failure to execute/uncertain cause





Full of the current consumption bufferNote 4





E2 expansion function





Fully used the storage memory





Note 1.

The operation depends on the setting of the [Operation after trace memory is full] property in the [Trace] category on the [Debug Tool Settings] tab of the Property panel.

Note 2.

A break that is internally used by CS+. (Users cannot use it.)

Note 3.

See the documentation on peripheral emulation board to use.

Note 4.

The operation is supported only by the simulator that supports the current consumption measurement.