Opens a file.

[Function Code (R1 Register)]

[Parameter Block (R2 Register)]




Execution result (output)

0: Terminated normally

-1: Error

File number (output)

Number that is used for access to files after the open process

Open mode (input)

0x00: "r"

0x01: "w"

0x02: "a"

0x03: "r+"

0x04: "w+"

0x05: "a+"

0x10: "rb"

0x11: "wb"

0x12: "ab"

0x13: "r+b"

0x14: "w+b"

0x15: "a+b"

The content of each mode is as follows:

"r": Opens for read.

"w": Opens a blank file for write.

"a": Opens for write from the end of a file.

"r+": Opens for read and write.

"w+": Reads a blank file and opens it for write.

"a+": Opens additionally for read.

"b": Opens in binary mode.

Beginning address of file name (input)

Beginning address of the area that contains the file name

[Detailed Description]


When a file is opened by [FOPEN], a file number is returned.
This file number is used in subsequent operations to input or output to the file, as well as to close the file.


Up to 256 files can be opened at a time.


        MOV.L       R2,R5         ; Set the value of R2 (open mode) in R5.
        MOV.L       #PARM,R2      ; Set the address of the parameter block in R2.
        MOV.L       R1,4h:5[R2]   ; Set the value of R1 (first address of the 
                                  ; filename) in R2 + 4 bytes.
        MOV.B       R5,2h:5[R2]   ; Set the value of R5 in R2 + 2 bytes (open mode).
        MOV.L       #01250000h,R1 ; Set the function code of FOPEN in R1.
        MOV.L       #SIM_IO,R5    ; Set the address of the system call in R5.
        JSR         R5            ; System call
        MOV.L       #PARM,R2      ; Set the address of the parameter block in R3.
        MOV.B       1h:5[R2],R1   ; Set the value of R2 + 1 byte (file number) in R1.
        MOV.B       R1,[R3]       ; Set the value of R1 in the location pointed to 
                                  ; by R3 (file number pointer).
        MOV.B       [R2],R1   ; Set the first byte of R2 (result of execution) in R1.
        RTS                   ; Return to the address where the function was called.
PARM:       .BLKL   2             ; Parameter block area