Editing access-related events

The address condition and data condition for access-related events can be edited.

For details on how to edit the address and the pass count, see “(1) Editing the address“, “(2) Editing the pass count (or the number of times passed)“.

To edit access-related events, use the Detailed Settings of Access Events dialog box that is displayed by performing the following operation on the Events panel.


Move the caret to an access-related event in a trace you want to edit and then select [Edit Condition …] from the context menu.

Point Trace

Move the caret to an access-related event in a point trace you want to edit and then select [Edit Condition …] from the context menu.

Combination Break
[E1] [E20] [EZ Emulator]

Move the caret to an access-related event in a combination break you want to edit and then select [Edit Condition …] from the context menu.

Timer Result

Move the caret to an access-related event in a timer result you want to edit and then select [Edit Condition …] from the context menu.


Editing address conditions

In the [Compare condition] property in the [Address Condition] category, specify a comparison condition from the drop-down list.

Depending on the specified comparison condition, the following address conditions can be set in combination with the address values displayed in the [Address] property in the [Address] category.


When [No conditions] is specified

The address value is made the condition. When an access to the address value occurs, the condition holds true.


When [Address area] is specified [E1] [E20] [EZ Emulator]

The address value is made the start address. Enter an end address value in the [End address] property that is added in the [Address Condition] category. When access to any place in the range of start and end addresses set occurs, the condition holds true.
Also, in the [Area condition] property that is added the same way, it is possible to set "outside" of the address range for the address condition.

Caution 1.

[RX100, RX200 Series]
Comparison conditions based on an address area are not supported.

Caution 2.

[RX600 Series]
You can specify "Address area" as the comparison condition only to one event.

Caution 3.

Address conditions cannot be specified.


When [Compare with address mask] is specified [E1] [E20] [EZ Emulator]

A mask value can be set for the address value. Enter an address mask value in hexadecimal notation in the [Address mask] property that is added in the [Address Condition] category. When an access to the address that matches the masked address occurs, the condition holds true.
Also, in the [Compare] property that is added the same way, it is possible to set "Any other value (!=)" for the address comparison condition.


The address value to be used as the condition is masked bit-wise with a mask value for which "0" is specified.
Example) To set an address condition of 0x1000 to 0x1FFF
Address value: 0x1000
Mask value: 0xF000


Editing data conditions


[Access type]

Specify one of the following items for the access type


When a read access occurs, the condition holds true.


When a write access occurs, the condition holds true.


When a read or write access occurs, the condition holds true.


[Access size]

Specify one of the following items for the access size.

No conditions

When an access in any size occurs, the condition holds true.


When an access in byte size occurs, the condition holds true.


When an access in word size occurs, the condition holds true.

Long word

When an access in long word size occurs, the condition holds true.


[Compare condition]

Specify a data comparison condition.
The comparison condition differs with each debug tool as follows:

[E1] [E20] [EZ Emulator]

Specified value (==)

When data comparison conditions match, the condition holds true.

Any other value (!=)

When data comparison conditions do not match, the condition holds true.


Equal (==)

When data and specified value match, the condition holds true.

Not equal (!=)

When data and specified value do not match, the condition holds true.

Inverse sign Note

When the sign is inverted between the previously accessed data and the data accessed this time, the condition holds true.

Difference Note

When the difference between the previously accessed data and the data accessed this time exceeds a specified value, the condition holds true.

Greater than (>)

When data is greater than a specified value, the condition holds true.

Less Than (<)

When data is smaller than a specified value, the condition holds true.

Greater than or equal to (>=)

When data is equal to or greater than a specified value, the condition holds true.

Less Than or equal to (<=)

When data is equal to or smaller than a specified value, the condition holds true.

Inside the range (<=Values<=)

When data is within the range of specified values, the condition holds true.
([Compare data 1] <= data <= [Compare data 2])

Outside the range !(<=Values<=)

When data is outside the range of specified values, the condition holds true.
(data < [Compare data 1] || [Compare data 2] < data)

No conditions

Comparison data is not specified.


For [Inverse sign] and [Difference], since comparison is made with the previous data, the condition never holds true after a reset and in the first determination of whether condition is true.


This property is not displayed only when you've specified [No conditions] in the [Access size] property.


[Compare data] [E1] [E20] [EZ Emulator]

Specify a data value with a hexadecimal number.


[Compare data1] [Simulator]

Specify a data value in hexadecimal.
This property is displayed when you've specified one of the following items in the [Compare condition] property.
[Equal (==)], [Not equal (!=)], [Greater than (>)], [Less Than (<)], [Greater than or equal to (>=)], [Less Than or equal to (<=)], [Inside the range (<=Values<=)], [Outside the range !(<=Values<=)]


[Compare data2] [Simulator]

Specify a data value with a hexadecimal number.
This property is displayed only when you've specified [Inside the range (<=Values<=)] or [Outside the range !(<=Values<=)] in the [Compare condition] property.


[Specify the data mask]

When you entered a comparison data value, this property is displayed, allowing you to specify whether

or not a mask value for the data value be specified. If you specify [Yes], the data mask can be specified.


This property is displayed when you've specified one of the following items in the [Compare condition] property.
[Equal (==)], [Not equal (!=)], [Greater than (>)], [Less Than (<)], [Greater than or equal to (>=)], [Less Than or equal to (<=)], [Inside the range (<=Values<=)], [Outside the range !(<=Values<=)]


[Mask value]

This property is displayed when you've specified [Yes] in the [Specify the data mask] property. Enter a data mask value in hexadecimal, so that when a data access that matches the masked data and comparison condition occurs, the condition holds true.


[Difference] [Simulator]

Specify comparison data with a hexadecimal number.
This property is displayed when you've specified [Difference] in the [Compare condition] property.


[Sign] [Simulator]

Specify whether or not the data to compare has a sign.
This property is displayed when you've specified one of the following items in the [Compare condition] property.
[Difference], [Greater than (>)], [Less Than (<)], [Greater than or equal to (>=)], [Less Than or equal to (<=)], [Inside the range (<=Values<=)], [Outside the range !(<=Values<=)]


Editing Bus master [E1/E20 [RX71M, RX66x, RX65x, and RX64M Groups]]


[Bus master]

Specify one of the following items for the bus master.


When the specified data access from the CPU occurs, the condition holds true.


When the specified data access from the DMAC/DTC occurs, the condition holds true.