Saving the displayed contents of disassembled results

The contents of disassembled results can be saved to a text file (*.txt) or CSV file (*.csv).

When saving to a file, CS+ gets latest information from the debug tool and saves it in the form in which data are displayed on this panel.

Choose [Save Disassemble Data As...] from the [File] menu, and the Data Save dialog box shown below is opened. (At this time, if you perform this operation while a range is selected on panel, it is possible to save only the selected range of disassembled data.)

In this dialog box, follow the procedure described below to save the displayed contents of disassembled results.

Figure 2.94

Saving Disassembled Result (Data Save Dialog Box)


Specifying the [File Name]

Specify a file name in which you want to save.

Enter it directly in the text box (specifiable in up to 259 characters) or select an input history item from the drop-down list (up to 10 history entries).

Also, you can select a file using the Select Data Save File dialog box that is opened by clicking the [...] button.


Specifying the [File Type]

Select the type of file in which you want to save from the drop-down list below.

The selectable file types are as follows.

List display


Text files (*.txt)

Text format (default)

CSV (Comma-Separated) (*.csv)

CSV formatNote


Each piece of data are separated with a comma (,) when saved.
To avoid the problem of an invalid file format in cases where any data includes a comma (,), each piece of data are enclosed in double-quotes (" ") when they are output to a file.


Specifying the [Save Range Address/ Symbol]

Specify the "start address" and "end address" to set a range of data to be saved in a file.

Directly enter hexadecimal values or address expressions in the respective text boxes or select an input history item from the drop-down list (up to 10 history entries).

Note that if a range is selected on panel, this selected range is specified, by default, in the text boxes. If no range is selected, the currently displayed range on panel is specified.


By holding down [Ctrl]+[Space] keys in this text box, you can complete the symbol name at the present caret position (see "2.21.2 Symbol name completion function").


Clicking the [Save] button

Disassembled data is saved in specified format to a specified file.

Figure 2.95

Disassembled Data Output Image when Saved

Remark 1.

If panel contents are saved over an existing file by selecting [Save Disassemble Data] on [File] menu, the respective Disassemble panels (Disassemble1-4) are handled individually.
Also, as to the save range, the previously specified address range is applied when data is saved.

Remark 2.

By selecting [File] >> [Print...], you can print the image currently displayed on this panel.