2.4 Confirm Source Code

Confirm the source code (device driver program) that reflects the information configured as described in "2.3 Enter Information".

To confirm the source code, use the Code Preview panel that opens by double-clicking [Project name (Project)] >> [Code Generator (Design Tool)] >> [Code Preview] >> Peripheral function node >> Source code node (>> API function node) in the Project Tree panel.

Figure 2.4

Confirm Source Code


Remark 1.

You can change the source code to be displayed by selecting the source file name or API function name in the Project Tree panel.

Remark 2.

The following table displays the meaning of the color of the source code text displayed in the Code Preview panel.




Reserved word for C compiler


Numeric value


Code section


File name


Remark 3.

You cannot edit the source code within the Code Preview panel.

Remark 4.

For some of the API functions, values such as the register value are calculated and finalized when the source code is generated (when the button on the Peripheral Functions panel is pressed). For this reason, the source code displayed in this panel may not be the same as that would actually be generated.