2.3.4 Select additional information

Select the type of information to display in Pin area, in the Device Top View panel opened in “2.3 Open Device Top View Panel”.

Note that additional information is selected from the Property panel, on the [Device Top View Settings] tab, by selecting the corresponding information under [Pin Name Display].

Figure 2.10

Select Additional Information


Remark 1.

Select one of the following two types for Define name (whether to display the “Define Name” string of the Device Pin List in appended format).


Displays the "Define Name" string of the device pin list in appended format.

Not display

Hides the “Define Name” string of the device pin list.


Remark 2.

Select one of the following two types for Pin function (whether to display it whether or not a function is selected for “Function” on the Device Pin List).

Display all

Displays functions selected via the device pin list's "Function" feature in parentheses.

Selected function only

Only display functions selected via the device pin list's “Function” feature in the device top view.