B.3.7 CS+ Python property (common)

Below is a list of CS+ Python properties (common).

Table B.7

CS+ Python Property (Common)

Property Name

Function Description


This property refers to the absolute path of the folder containing the exe file of the currently running CS+.


This property sets or refers to whether to clear the display of the Python console when changing the active project.


This property sets and displays the setting for enabling or disabling the function for linking to an external tool at CS+ startup.


This property refers to the return value or the contents of an error of the CS+ Python function.


This property sets or refers to whether to throw an exception during the Python function is executed.


This property sets and displays the setting for enabling or disabling the function for linking to an external tool at CS+ startup.


This property refers to the version of CS+.


This property sets or refers to the number of screen lines for the Python console.


This property sets and displays the setting for whether or not to display results of Python functions for CS+ and error messages in the Python console.