
[Settings] tab

The [Setting] tab is used to display the detailed information categorized by the following and the configuration can be changed.


(1) [General]

(2) [Analysis Object]

(3) [Import / Export]

(4) [Analysis Chart]

[Description of each category]



The general information on the analysis tool is displayed and its configuration can be changed.

Enable static analysis information

Select whether the analysis tool should force output of cross reference information when performing a build in order to obtain the cross-reference information necessary to acquire Static analysis information, ignoring the property settingNote 1 on the build tool specifying whether to output cross reference information.




Select from the drop-down list.

Available values


Ignores the build tool's property settings, and forces the output of cross reference information.


Gives priority to the build tool's property settings.

Enable dynamic analysis information

Select whether the analysis tool should forcibly enable the debug tool's functionsNote 2 and make the standard settings necessary for dynamic analysis, ignoring the property setting specifying whether to enable or disable the debug tool's functions necessary to acquire Dynamic analysis information.

For the standard settings necessary for dynamic analysis, see "Table A.2 Standard Settings Necessary for Dynamic Analysis (Trace Function)" to "Table A.4 Standard Settings Necessary for Dynamic Analysis (RRM Function)".




Select from the drop-down list.

Available values


Ignores the debug tool's property settings, and enables the debug tool's functions forcibly. Also, makes the standard settings necessary for dynamic analysis.


Gives priority to the debug tool's property settings.

Accumulate result of analysis

Select whether to display the cumulative value for each program execution for the execution count and execution time as the analysis information.

The target items for this property are as follows:

[Execution Count]/[Execution Time[unit]]

[Read Count]/[Write Count]/[Read/Write Count]/[Minimum Value]/[Maximum Value]

[Execution count]/Read count/Write count




Select from the drop-down list.

Available values


Displays the sum of the measurements from the last program execution and from this one.


Displays the measurements for each program execution.

If the value is changed from [Yes] to [No], then the current analysis results will be cleared, and the measured values displayed.

Include the prototype declaration as references

Select whether to target the prototype declaration as the information of the function references when displaying a list of locations referencing a function (see "2.11 Display List of Referencing Location").




Select from the drop-down list.

Available values


Displays the prototype declaration.


Does not display the prototype declaration.

Refresh at program stop

Select whether to update the contents of the Function List panel/Variable List panel/Analysis Chart panel/Call Graph panel when the program stops executing.




Select from the drop-down list.

Available values


Updates the contents of the panel after the program execution is stopped.


Does not update the contents of the panel even if the program execution is stopped.

Specify individually

Enables the button on each panel (updates the contents of the panel by clicking this button).

Unit of time

Select the time unit for the analysis tool.




Select from the drop-down list.

Available values


Displays the time in nanosecond units.

The value is rounded to integer number.


Displays the time in microsecond units.

The value is rounded to three decimal places.


Displays the time in millisecond units.

The value is rounded to three decimal places.


Displays the time in second units.

The value is rounded to three decimal places.


Displays the time as "hours, minutes (0 - 59), seconds (0 - 59)".


Displays the time in units of clock cycles. The value is rounded to integer number.

Note that this item is displayed only when the selected microcontroller supports a time display in units of clock cycles.

Delimits arguments by new line

Select whether to display the [Arguments] items in the Function List panel with newlines.




Select from the drop-down list.

Available values


Displays in multiple lines, one value per line.


Displays without newlines, comma (",") separated.

Display the SFR / IOR

Select whether to display the SFR/IOR on the Variable List panel by treating it as a variable.




Changes not allowed

Display the function/variable without definition at Call Graph panel

Select whether to display the function/variable without definition (i.e. a function/variable whose source file does not exist) in the Call Graph panel.




Select from the drop-down list.

Available values


Displays the function without definition.


Does not display the function without definition.

Output function information at program stop


Select whether to output the information file for STFNote 3 to the folder specified with "[Common Options] tab >> [Output File Type and Path] category >> [Intermediate file output folder] property" on the property panel of the build tool to use.




Select from the drop-down list.

Available values


When [Yes] is selected, the contents of the Function List panel currently being displayed is output to a file (if the Function List panel is not displayed, the information acquired from the last trace data is output).

Thereafter, the information acquired from the last trace data is output to the file each time program execution is stopped.

Note that the file is always overwritten.


Does not output the information file for STF.

Frees memory of host machine when all panels are closed

Select whether to free memory of the host machine when all of the panels provided by the analyze too (Function List panel, Variable List panel, Analysis Chart panel, Call Graph panel, Class/Member panel, and Variable Value Changing Chart (zoomed in) panel) are closed.




Select from the drop-down list.

Available values


Frees the memory of the host machine when all panels provided by the analysis tool are closed so that the other CS+ plug-in tools operate stably.

Note that after memory is freed, it may take some time to open a panel of the analysis tool next time.


Does not free the memory of the host machine even when all panels provided by the analysis tool are closed.

The time required to open a panel of the analysis tool next time will be reduced.

Ask whether cancel the result of analysis or not when out of memory error occurred

Select whether to save the memory capacity by deleting the result of analysis or to display the incomplete result of analysis without deleting it when an insufficient memory error occurs during a processing of analysis.

Note, however, that the operation of CS+ may become unstable if the result of analysis is not deleted.




Select from the drop-down list.

Available values


Displays a message dialog box prompting you to select whether or not to delete the result of analysis when an insufficient memory error occurs.


Does not display a message dialog box and deletes the result of analysis when an insufficient memory error occurs.

Notes 1.

The settings on the following property of your build tool's Property panel.


[Common Options] tab >> [Output File Type and Path] category >> [Output cross reference information] property


[Compile Options] tab >> [Others] category >> [Output cross reference information] property

Notes 2.

This applies to the following debug tool's functions (in the order of priority).


Trace function


Real-time display update function (RRM function/RAM monitor (pseudo RRM) function)


Coverage function


The corresponding property settings differ depending on the selected microcontroller and debug tool. For details on how to enable these functions, see "CS+ Debug Tool" of the microcontroller used.

Notes 3.

The same information as the content on the Function List panel is output to the STF information file (FuncInfo.csv) (including information for items that are currently hidden).

Table A.2

Standard Settings Necessary for Dynamic Analysis (Trace Function)


Property of Debug ToolNote


Value to be Set When [Yes] is Selected for [Enable dynamic analysis information] Property




Use trace function

The value of this property automatically changes to [Yes] when the debug tool is connected if [Yes] is selected for the [Enable dynamic analysis information] property.



Select trace data


When acquiring only function information

Select [Branch PC].


When acquiring only variable information

Select [Data Access].


When acquiring function and variable information

Select [PC + Data Access].



Trace data type


When acquiring only function information

Select [Branch].


When acquiring only variable information

Select [data access].


When acquiring function and variable information

Select [branch + data access].


Note however that the selectable values depend on the device.



branch + data access







Clear trace memory before running

Select [Yes].


Operation after trace memory is full

Select the operation to be carried out when the trace memory is full with the collected trace data.

Non stop and overwrite to trace memory

Accumulate trace time

Select whether to accumulate trace time tags.





Trace memory size

Select the trace memory size.

This property however is not displayed for a device that does not support the trace facility.


If a large value is selected, a large amount of data can be collected but because of that it takes a longer time to acquire trace data.



Trace priority

Select the priority for collecting trace data.



Usage of trace function

Select [Trace].


Bus Master of data access

Select the bus master that generated a data access.


External trace output

Select the method for externally outputting trace data.



Set the property in the [Trace] category on the [Debug Tool Settings] tab in the debug tool’s Property panel.

Table A.3

Standard Settings Necessary for Dynamic Analysis (Coverage Function)


Property of Debug ToolNote


Value to be Set When [Yes] is Selected for [Enable dynamic analysis information] Property




Use coverage function

The value of this property automatically changes to [Yes] when the debug tool is connected if [Yes] is selected for the [Enable dynamic analysis information] property.



Use code coverage function

Select [Yes].


Coverage area of measurement

Specify the address range (normally the code section range) to be measured by coverage.



Set the property in the [Coverage] category on the [Debug Tool Settings] tab in the debug tool’s Property panel.

Table A.4

Standard Settings Necessary for Dynamic Analysis (RRM Function)


Property of Debug ToolNote


Value to be Set When [Yes] is Selected for [Enable dynamic analysis information] Property




Update display during the execution

The value of this property automatically changes to [Yes] when the debug tool is connected if [Yes] is selected for the [Enable dynamic analysis information] property.


Display update interval[ms]

Specify the update interval of RRM.



Enable the automatic update of realtime display

Select [Yes].



Set the property in the [Access Memory While Running] category on the [Debug Tool Settings] tab in the debug tool’s Property panel.


The above settings are necessary when [Real-time sampling] (default) is selected for the [Analysis method] property on the [Variable Value Changing] tab of the Property panel for the analysis tool.


[Analysis Object]

The detailed information on analysis objects is displayed and its configuration can be changed.

For details on the analysis objects, see "1.1.1 What is analyzed".

Select specification method of files to analyze

Select the specification method of files to analyze by the analysis tool.


Files not to analyze


Select from the drop-down list.

Available values

Files not to analyze

Specifies files not to analyze.

Files to analyze

Specifies files to analyze.

Files not to analyze

Specify files that are not the subject of analysis.

This property appears only when the [Select specification method of files to analyze] property is set to [Files not to analyze].


Files not to analyze[0]


Specify with the Select Files not To Analyze dialog box.

The Select files not to analyze dialog box is opened by clicking the [...] button that appears at right edge in the column when this property is selected (no files can be specified on the Property panel).

Files to analyze

Specify files that are the subject of analysis.

This property appears only when the [Select specification method of files to analyze] property is set to [Files to analyze].


Files to analyze[0]


Specify with the Select Files To Analyze dialog box.

The Select files to analyze dialog box is opened by clicking the [...] button that appears at right edge in the column when this property is selected (no files can be specified on the Property panel).


[Import / Export]

The detailed information on import/export functions is displayed and its configuration can be changed.

For details on the import/export function, see "2.12 Import or Export Information File".

Import files

Specify the file to import.

The following placeholders are supported:

%ProjectName% : Replaces itself with the project name.

%MicomToolPath% : Replaces itself with the absolute path of the CS+ install folder.

The reference point of the relative path is the project folder.

Note that if the same file is specified, only the file that is first specified will be imported.The name of the file to import is displayed as the subproperty.


Import files [0]


Specify with the Path Edit dialog box.

The Path Edit dialog box is opened by clicking the [...] button that appears at right edge in the column when this property is selected (no files can be specified on the Property panel).

Available values

Up to 64 files

Export the functions and variables

Select whether to generate the information files (function list file (*.mtfl)/variable list file (*.mtvl)) with the contents of the Function List panel/Variable List panel when a build or rebuild is performed.




Select from the drop-down list.

Available values


Generates the information files.


Does not Generate the information files.

Export file name for functions

Specify the name of the function list file (*.mtfl) to be generated. The extension (*.mtfl) cannot be changed. If the extension is omitted, "mtfl" is appended.

Note that if this property is left blank, no files will be generated.

The following placeholders are supported:

%ProjectName% : Replaces itself with the project name.

%ActiveProjectName% : Replaces itself with the active project name.

The reference point of the relative path is the project folder.

Note that if this property is left blank, no files will be generated.

This property appears only when the [Export the functions and variables] property is set to [Yes].




Directly enter from the keyboard.

Available values

Up to 259 characters

Export file name for variables

Specify the name of the variable list file (*.mtvl) generated. The extension (*.mtvl) cannot be changed. If the extension is omitted, "mtvl" is appended.

Note that if this property is left blank, no files will be generated.

The following placeholders are supported:

%ProjectName% : Replaces itself with the project name.

%ActiveProjectName% : Replaces itself with the active project name.

The reference point of the relative path is the project folder.

This property appears only when the [Export the functions and variables] property is set to [Yes].




Directly enter from the keyboard.

Available values

Up to 259 characters


[Analysis Chart]

The detailed information on analysis graphs is displayed and its configuration can be changed.

For details on the analysis graph, see "2.13 Display Analysis Information in Chart".


The contents of the Analysis Chart panel is updated automatically if you change the setting of the property in this category.

The number of functions displaying in the Execution Time(Percentage) Chart

Specify the number of the functions displayed on the [Execution Time(Percentage) Chart] tab of the Analysis Chart panel.

The function with a large ratio of the execution time is displayed in the graph by priority, and the remainder is collectively displayed as "Others".




Directly enter from the keyboard.

Available values

Integer number between 1 and 100