
[Peripheral Function Information] tab (Peripheral Function Information)

This tab allows you to view the information (Peripheral Function Information) for the peripheral function node selected in the Project Tree panel.

Figure A.6

[Peripheral Function Information] Tab (Peripheral Function Information)


The following items are explained here.

[How to open]


On the Project Tree panel, select [Project name (Project)] >> [Code Generator (Design Tool)] >> [Peripheral Functions] >> Peripheral function node, and then select [Property] from the [View] menu.


On the Project Tree panel, select [Project name (Project)] >> [Code Generator (Design Tool)] >> [Peripheral Functions] >> Peripheral function node, and then select [Property] from the context menu.


If this panel is already open, selecting peripheral function node in the Project Tree panel changes the content displayed to that corresponding to the selected node.

[Description of each area]


[Peripheral Function Information] category

This area allows you to view the information (Peripheral function name, Peripheral function error and Peripheral function used) for the peripheral function node selected in the Project Tree panel.

Peripheral function name

Displays the name of the peripheral function.

Peripheral function error

Displays whether or not the settings in the Peripheral Functions panel are correct.

No error

Illegal settings have not been detected.

Input error

Illegal settings have been detected.

Peripheral function used

Indicates whether or not to use the peripheral function.

Note that whether or not a function is to be used depends on the settings in the Peripheral Functions panel corresponding to the selected node.


The peripheral function is to be used.


The peripheral function is not to be used.