

< Compile Options / Microcontroller Options >


-dbl_size={ 4 | 8 }




The default for this option is dbl_size=8 when the -dpfpu option is specified. Otherwise, it is dbl_size=4.



This option controls whether or not the double type and long double type are changed to the float type.
When -dbl_size=4 is specified, the option changes the type to the float type.
When -dbl_size=8 is specified, the option does not change the type to the float type.



When -dbl_size=4 is selected, among the standard functions, the mathf.h and math.h functions having the same specifications as each other (e.g., sqrtf and sqrt) are integrated to configure a standard library. Because of this, phenomena, such as the following example will occur when -dbl_size=4 is selected. When the RX simulator or emulator traces (single-step execution) the calling of sqrtf which is a mathf.h header function, it appears as if not sqrtf but sqrt, which is a math.h header function with the same specifications, has been called.