


< Optimizing Linkage Editor (rlink) Options / Input Options >





This option allows multiple input files with the same module name to be specified to generate a library.


If the library already contains a module having the same name with other modules to be registered in the library, the other modules are renamed by adding a postfix number ".<N>".


<N> is assigned a number as a unique module name in the generating library. If can't assigned a unique number, The linker will output the error message and quit.



To generate a library a.lib from multiple input files having the same module name (mod), describe as:

> rlink -allow_duplicate_module_name -form=lib -output=a.lib b\mod.obj c\mod.obj d\mod.obj


The command line above leads to generate a library a.lib containing the following modules:


mod (originally b\mod.obj)


mod.1 (originally c\mod.obj)


mod.2 (originally d\mod.obj)



If the -form={ object|absolute|relocate|hexadecimal|stype|binary }, -strip, or -extract option is specified, this option will be invalid.