11.5.3 V.2.03 and Later Versions (Compatibility with Versions between 1.00 and 2.02)


Const-type Static Variables without Initial Values

In versions before 2.02, const-type static variables with initial values were output first, but from this revision, const-type static variables are aligned in the data area in order of their definition regardless of the existence of initial values.


const int a=1;
const int b;
const int c=2;


[Result of compilation for versions before 2.02.00]

    .lword 00000001H
    .lword 00000002H ; The variables with initial values are output first.
    .lword 00000000H


[Result of compilation for versions after 2.03.00]

    .lword 00000001H
    .lword 00000000H ;  The variables are output in order of their definition 
                     ;  regardless of the existence of initial values.
    .lword 00000002H