Everything Download multiple load module files

Follow the steps below on the Download Files dialog box to download multiple load module files.


When debugging a program consisting of multiple load module files, care should be taken to avoid overlapping of location addresses.


Click the [Add] button

When the [Add] button is clicked, a blank list item "-" is displayed in the last line of the [Download file list] area.


Property configuration of the download files to add

Configure the download conditions for the download file to add in the [Download file property] area.

Configure each item displayed with the following condition.

When the configuration is completed, the file name specified in this property is displayed in the blank list of the [Download file list] area.


Specify the name of the load module file to be added (up to 259 characters).




Directly enter from the keyboard, or specify with the Select Download File dialog box opened by clicking the [...] button displayed at the right edge of this property when it is selected.

Available values

See "Table 2.3 Downloadable File Formats".

File type

Specify the type of the file to download.

Here, select [Load module file].


Load module file

Download object

Select whether to download the object information from the specified file.




Select from the drop-down list.

Available values


Downloads object information.


Does not download object information.

Download symbol information

Select whether to download the symbol information from the specified fileNote 1.




Select from the drop-down list.

Available values


Downloads symbol information.


Does not download symbol information.

Generate the information for

input completion

Select whether to generate the information for the Symbol name completion function when downloadingNote 2.




Select from the drop-down list.

Available values


Generates the information for the symbol name completion function. (i.e. uses the symbol name completion function.)


Does not generate the information for the symbol name completion function. (i.e. does not use the symbol name completion function.)

Note 1.

If the symbol information have not been downloaded, the source level debugging cannot be performed.

Note 2.

When [Yes] is selected, the time taken for downloading and the memory usage on the host machine will increase. We recommend selecting [No] in this item if you do not intend to use the symbol name completion function.


You can decrease the memory usage by selecting [No] for the [Download symbol information] item if the symbol information is not required for the module (in this case, however, the source level debugging can not be performed for the file).


Check the order of download

The order of the download is the display order of the files displayed in the [Download file list] area.

If you want to change the order, use the [Up]/[Down] button.


Click the [OK] button

Enable all the configuration in this dialog and add the specified load module file (the specified file name is displayed in the [Download] category on the [Download File Settings] tab of the Property panel).