Everything [Connect Settings] tab

You configure the connection with the debug tool for each one of the following categories.


(1) [Internal ROM/RAM]

(2) [Clock]

(3) [Connection with Emulator]

(4) [Connection with Target Board]

(5) [E2 Expansion Interface] [E2]

(6) [Flash]

(7) [Hot Plug-in]



[Internal ROM/RAM]

The configuration of internal ROM/RAM is displayed in this category.

Figure 2.25

[Internal ROM/RAM] Category [E1]


[Size of internal ROM[KBytes]]

The internal ROM size to emulate is displayed (unit: Kbytes).

You cannot change the value of this property.


[Size of internal RAM[Bytes]]

The internal RAM size to emulate is displayed (unit: bytes).

You cannot change the value of this property.


[Size of DataFlash memory[KBytes]]

The data flash memory size is displayed (unit: Kbytes).

If the currently selected microcontroller does not incorporate the data flash, [0] is displayed.

You cannot change the value of this property.



You can configure the clock in this category.

Figure 2.26

[Clock] Category [E1]


[Main clock frequency [MHz]]

Specify the main clock frequency.

You can specify the frequency from the drop-down list or by directly entering a frequency value between 0.001 and 99.999 (unit: MHz) (default: [Using internal clock]).

When using X1/X2 oscillation, specify the clock frequency.

When using an external clock oscillation with the embedded PLL circuit, specify the frequency of the transmitter/resonator (i.e. the frequency before the setting of the PLL clock).


The main clock frequency is used to synchronize the communication between E1 and the host machine. This specification is not for the frequency of the CPU operation.


[Sub clock frequency[kHz]]

Specify the sub clock frequency.

You can specify the frequency from the drop-down list or by directly entering a frequency value number between 0.001 and 99.999 (unit: kHz) (default: [Using internal clock]).


The sub clock frequency is used to synchronize the communication between E1 and the host machine. This specification is not for the frequency of the CPU operation.


[Monitor clock]

Select a clock for monitor programs to operate while the program is stopped, from the following drop-down list.


Operates with main clock (default).


Operates with the clock that the program specified.


[Connection with Emulator]

You can configure the connection between E1 and the host machine in this category.


You cannot change the property in this category while connected to E1.

Figure 2.27

[Connection with Emulator] Category


[Emulator serial No.]

Serial numbers of all connected E1 emulators are displayed in the drop-down list.

Select the one to be connected to the target system.

The drop-down list is updated every time it is used.


[Connection with Target Board]

You can configure the connection between E1 and the target board in this category.


Properties in this category cannot be changed when E1 is connected to CS+.
Only the [Supply voltage] property can be changed when E2 is connected to CS+.

Figure 2.28

[Connection with Target Board] Category [E1]


[Low voltage OCD board]

This property appears only when the selected microcontroller supports a low voltage OCD board.

Select whether to use a low voltage OCD board.

Select [Yes] to use a low voltage OCD board (default: [No]).


[Power target from the emulator (MAX 200mA)]

This property appears only when the [Low voltage OCD board] property is set to [No] if it is displayed.

Select whether to supply power to the target board from E1.

Select [Yes] to supply power to the target board (default: [No]).


[Interface for supplying the power] [E2]

This property appears only when the [Power target from the emulator (MAX 200mA)] property is set to [Yes].

Select the interface for supplying the power to the target board from the emulator (default: [USER I/F]).


[Supply voltage]

This property appears only when the [Power target from the emulator (MAX 200mA)] property is displayed and also [Yes] is set to it.

Select the power voltage supplied to the target board (default: [3.3V]).


[E2 Expansion Interface] [E2]

You can configure the E2 expansion interface.

Figure 2.29

[E2 Expansion Interface] Category [E2]


[Interface for supplying the power]

Select whether to use the E2 expansion interface.

If you want to use the E2 expansion interface, select the power used by the E2 expansion interface.



You can configure the flash memory rewriting in this category.


Properties in this category cannot be changed when E1 is connected to CS+.

Figure 2.30

[Flash] Category


[Security ID]

This property appears only when the selected microcontroller supports the ROM security function (on-chip debug security ID) for flash memory.

Specify a security ID for reading codes in the internal ROM or internal flash memory.

Directly enter 20 digits hexadecimal number (10 bytes: 0x0 to 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE) (default: [00000000000000000000]).

For details on the on-chip debug security ID, see E1 User's Manual.


[Permit flash programming]

Select whether to enable the flash memory rewriting.

Select [Yes] to enable flash rewrite (default).

Note that when [No] is specified with this property, the flash memory area cannot be rewritten at all from the debug tool.


[Use wide voltage mode]

This property appears only when the selected microcontroller supports the wide voltage mode for the flash memory rewriting.

Select whether to rewrite the flash memory with the wide voltage mode.

Select [Yes] to rewrite with the low voltage flash mode (default).


[Erase flash ROM when starting]

This property appears only when the [Permit flash programming] property is set to [Yes].

Select whether to erase flash ROM when connecting to the debug tool.

Select [Yes] to erase flash ROM (default: [No]).

Note that this property is set to [No] after connecting to the debug tool.


When conducting hot plug-in connection, the setting of this property will be ignored and flash ROM will not be erased.


[Hot Plug-in]

You can configure the hot plug-in connection in this category.

Note that this category appears only when the selected microcontroller incorporates the hot plug-in function.

See "2.4.3 Connect to the debug tool using hot plug-in [E1][E20] for details on hot plug-in function and this category configuration.