
[General - Text Editor] category

Use this category to configure general settings relating to the text editor.

Figure A.50

Option Dialog Box ([General - Text Editor] Category)


The following items are explained here.

[How to open]


From the [Tool] menu, select [Options...].

[Description of each area]



Use this area to configure the spacing-related settings in the text editor.


[Enable auto indentation]


Code is intelligently indented depending on the code being typed in the text editor.

E.g. Inside a function or not or coding a loop (default).


Code is not indented depending on the code being typed in the text editor.


[Use spaces as tabs]


When you press the [Tab] key in the text editor, a group of space characters is inserted equal to the width of a tab.


When you press the [Tab] key in the text editor, the tab character is inserted (default).


[Show whitespace marks]


Whitespace marks such as space and tab are shown in the text editor.


Whitespace marks such as space and tab are not shown in the text editor (default).


[Enable line highlight for current]


Highlights the current line in the text editor.


Does not highlight the current line in the text editor (default).



Use this area to configure general settings in the text editor.


[Enable syntax coloring]


Enables the coloring of keywords in the text editor that have supported file-types (default).


No coloring of keywords is displayed in the text editor.


[Enable smart editing]


Enables the smart edit function (default).


Disables the smart edit function.


[Enable code outlining]

This item is only available if the [Enable syntax coloring] check box is selected.


Enables the code outlining feature in the text editor.

This enables the expansion and collapse of code blocks for file-types that support it (default).


Does not use the code outlining feature in the text editor.


[Enable file encoding auto detection]


Enables automatic determination of the encoding when a file is read (default).


Disables automatic determination of the encoding when a file is read.


[Externally modified files]

This item allows you to specify the action to be taken for source files that are modified externally to the CS+.

Prompt to reload the file

When a file open in the text editor is modified externally to the CS+, a message dialog box will be displayed which asks you whether you wish to reload the file or not (default).

If you click the [Yes] button on the message dialog box, this will reload the file from disk, losing all current changes to that file in the text editor.

If you click the [No] button on the message dialog box, this will ignore the external changes and any existing modifications to that file in the text editor will remain.

Always reload the file

This will automatically reload the file when it is modified externally.

Never reload the file

This will ignore any externally-modified changes to source files and will not reload the file.


[Default file encoding]

This option is for the default file encoding that should be used when creating a new file in the Editor panel and automatic determination of encoding is disabled. In addition this encoding is used when the file being opened has a file encoding that cannot be detected or is not supported in the Editor panel currently.

Select the encoding to be set from the drop-down list.

The items of the drop-down list are displayed according to the following sequence.

Note that the same encoding and encoding which are not supported by the current OS will not be displayed.


Default encoding of the current OS (default)


Most recently used encodings (maximum 4)


Popular encodings for current locale
e.g. for United States locale it will be:


Western European (Windows)


Unicode (UTF-8)


All other encodings supported by the OS (in alphabetical order)

Caution 1.

If you wish to select a different encoding in the text editor and save the file, use [Target Save Option...] of the [File] menu for the editing file. Note that [Default file encoding] does not override the setting.

Caution 2.

If you wish to make an encoding setting specific to building, modify the corresponding property of the build tool listed in the tables below, respectively. Note that [Default file encoding] does not override these settings.

Compiler Package

Property Of Build Tool


[Character encoding] property in the [Character Encoding] category from the [Compile Options] tab or [Individual Compile Options] tab

[Character encoding] property in the [Character Encoding] category from the [Assemble Options] tab or [Individual Assemble Options] tab


[Character code of an input program] property in the [Source] category from the [Compile Options] tab, [Individual Compile Options(C)] tab, or [Individual Compile Options(C++)] tab

[Character code of an output assembly-language file] property in the [Object] category from the [Compile Options] tab, [Individual Compile Options(C)] tab, or [Individual Compile Options(C++)] tab

[Character code of an input program] property in the [Source] category from the [Assemble Options] tab or [Individual Assemble Options] tab


[Character encoding] property in the [Character Encoding] category from the [Compile Options] tab or [Individual Compile Options] tab

[Character encoding] property in the [Character Encoding] category from the [Assemble Options] tab or [Individual Assemble Options] tab



Use this area to configure general settings relating to debugging in the text editor.


[Enable line highlight for PC]


Shows the current PC as a full line highlight in the text editor (default).


Does not show the current PC as a full line highlight in the text editor.


[Enable tool-tip watch]


Shows the value of variables in a tool-tip when hovering the mouse over the variable in the text editor (default).


Does not show the value of variables in a tool-tip.


[Enable line highlight for break/coverage]


Shows the break and coverage as a full line highlight in the text editor (default).


Does not show the break and coverage as a full line highlight in the text editor.


[Use window recycling]


Uses window recycling.


Does not use window recycling (default).


See "CS+ Integrated Development Environment User’s Manual: Debug Tool" for details about window recycling.



Initialize Settings

Returns all currently displayed setting to their default values.

[Function buttons]



Initialize All Settings

Restores all settings on this dialog box to their default values.

Note, however, that newly added items in the [General - External Tools] category will not be removed.


Applies all setting and closes this dialog box.


Ignores the setting and closes this dialog box.


Applies all setting (does not close this dialog box).


Displays the help of this dialog box.