

-Absolute_forbid [V2.01.00 or later]

This option suppresses link-time optimization in a specific address range.

[Specification format]

-Absolute_forbid=range [, ...]
    range := address[+size]



Interpretation when omitted


[Detailed description]


This option suppresses link-time optimization in a specific address range.


Specify the range in which you wish to suppress link-time optimization with address and size. Optimization will be suppressed for the sections included in the range of "address + size".


Specify address and size as hexadecimal values from 0 to ffffffff.


If +size is omitted, it is assumed that +0 was specified.


If this option is specified more than once, all specifications will be valid.


A warning will be output and this option ignored in the following case.


When the -nooptimize option is specified



When the range specified by this option overlaps with overlaid sections specified by the -start option, optimization will be suppressed for all overlaid sections in the overlapped area.

To suppress optimization of only specific sections, use the -section_forbid option.

[Example of use]


To suppress link-time optimization in the range of addresses 0x1000 to 0x11ff, describe as:

>rlink a.obj b.obj -optimize -absolute_forbid=1000+200