


This option specifies options with a subcommand file.

[Specification format]




Interpretation when omitted


[Detailed description]


This option specifies options with subcommand file file.


Option contents specified with a subcommand file are expanded to the location at which this option is specified on the command line and are executed.


See "2.4.2 Subcommand file usage" for details about a subcommand file.

[Example of use]


Create subcommand file "test.sub" with the following content.

input file2.obj file3.obj       ; This is a comment.
library lib1.lib, &             ; This is a line continued.


To specify subcommand file test.sub, describe as:

>rlink file1.obj -subcommand=test.sub file4.obj


The command line is expanded as follows, and the file input order is: file1.obj, file2.obj, file3.obj, file4.obj.

>rlink file1.obj file2.obj file3.obj -library=lib1.lib,lib2.lib file4.obj