Input Options
Specifies relocatable files.
Specifies library files.
Specifies binary files.
Specifies symbol definitions.
Specifies an entry symbol or entry address.
Selects non-initiation of the prelinker.
This option allows multiple same module names to be specified.
Output Options
Selects the output file format.
Debugging information is output to load module files.
Debugging information is output to the .dbg file.
Debugging information is not output.
Selects the record size.
-end_record [V2.07.00 or later]
This option specifies the end record.
Specifies the section mapping from ROM to RAM.
Specifies the names of files to be output.
Outputs an external symbol-allocation information file.
Data are output to fill unused ranges of memory.
Information-level messages are output.
The output of messages is disabled.
Messages are output to indicate the presence of externally defined symbols to which there is no reference.
Specifies the number of bytes in a data record.
-fix_record_length_and_alignment [V2.08.00 or later]
Fixes the format of data records to be output.
Specifies the format for output of the CRC code.
Padding data are included at the end of each section.
Assigns an address to the specified vector number in the variable vector table (for the RX Family and M16C Family).
Assigns an address to an unused area in the variable vector table (for the RX Family and M16C Family).
-split_vect [V3.00.00 or later]
Generates split vector table sections.
Outputs a jump table file (for the PIC function of the RX Family).
-cfi [Professional Edition only] [V2.08.00 or later]
Generates the function list for use in detecting illegal indirect function calls.
-cfi_add_func [V2.08.00 or later]
Specifies the symbol or address of a function to be added to the function list for use in detecting illegal indirect function calls.
-cfi_ignore_module [V2.08.00 or later]
Specifies modules which are to be exempted from checking against the function list for use in detecting illegal indirect function calls.
[To be supported by V2.03 and later versions]
Makes spaces created by .OFFSET unfilled.
List Options
A linkage list file is output.
Selects the contents to be output in the linkage list file.
Optimize Options
Selects the items to be optimized at linkage.
Selects no optimization at linkage.
Specifies the minimum size for unification of the same codes.
Specifies symbols for which unreferenced symbol deletion is disabled.
Specifies symbols for which same code unification is disabled.
Specifies a section where optimization is disabled.
Specifies an address range where optimization is disabled.
Section Options
Specifies a section start address.
Specifies the section where an external defined symbol will be placed in the output file.
Specifies the section alignment value as 16 bytes.
Verify Options
Checks addresses for consistency.
Specifies sections that will not be divided.
Other Options
Selects the output of an s9 record at the end of the file.
Selects the output of a stack-usage information file.
Debugging information are compressed.
Debugging information are not compressed.
Selects the amount of memory to be used in linkage.
Specifies symbol names and section names to be modified.
-lib_rename [V3.01.00 or later]
Changes the name of a symbol or section that was input from a library.
Specifies symbol names and module names to be deleted.
Specifies library modules to be replaced.
Specifies modules to be extracted from library files.
Debugging information is deleted from absolute files and library files.
Specifies changes to the levels of messages (information, warning, and error).
Name information on local symbols is deleted.
The total sizes of sections after linkage are sent to standard output.
Subcommand File Option
Specifies a file from which to include command options.
Options Other Than Above
Selects the output of copyright information.
Selects the non-output of copyright information.
Selects the execution of option strings specified before END.
Specifies the end of option specification.