2.3.6 [Simulator]

Configure the operating environment on the Property panel below when using Simulator.

Figure 2.54

Example of Property Panel [Simulator]


Follow the steps below by selecting the corresponding tab on the Property panel. [Connect Settings] tab [Debug Tool Settings] tab [Download File Settings] tab [Hook Transaction Settings] tab



The following cautions apply to the instruction simulator for RL78:


The data flash is not supported.


The Pipeline is not supported.


The CPU operation clock operates by the specification of RL78/G13.


When using Multiplier and Divider/Multiply-Accumulator by division mode, the division processing will be finished in by 1 clock.


When using Multiplier and Divider/Multiply-Accumulator by division mode, the interrupt for the end of division operation is not occurred. But DIVST bit of Multiplication/Division Control Register "MDUC" is changed (DIVST bit displays division operation status).


When Simulator to be used corresponds to peripheral function simulations, you can use the Simulator GUI. See "2.18 Use the Simulator GUI [Simulator]" for details on the Simulator GUI.