Everything Set a Point Trace event

Use one of the following methods to set a Point Trace event.

Caution 1.

Also see "2.15.7 Notes for setting events" for details on Point Trace events (e.g. limits on the number of enabled events).

Caution 2.

Point Trace events cannot be set for 32-bit (4-byte) variables.
Additionally, see "(3) For access to a variable/SFR of 16-bit (2-byte) size [IECUBE]" for setting of Point Trace events for 16-bit (2-byte) variables.

Caution 3.

Point Trace events cannot be set/deleted while a tracer is running.

Remark 1.

Accesses via DMA can be traced.

Remark 2.

When a Point Trace event is set to Valid state, the [Use trace function] property in the [Trace] category on the [Debug Tool Settings] tab of the Property panel is automatically set to [Yes] and the trace function will be enabled.


For access to a variable/SFR on the Editor panel/Disassemble panel

Perform this operation in the Editor panel/Disassemble panel in which the source text/disassembly text is displayed.

Follow the operation listed below from the context menu, in accordance with your desired access type, after selecting the variable or SFR as the subject to access.

Note, however, that only global variables, static variables inside functions, and file-internal static variables can be used.

Access Type



Select [Trace Settings] >> [Record Reading Value].


Select [Trace Settings] >> [Record Writing Value].


Select [Trace Settings] >> [Record R/W Value].


Variables within the current scope can be specified.


For access to a registered watch-expression

Perform this operation in the Watch panel.

Select the watch-expression as the subject to access and perform the following operation from the context menu.

Note, however, that only global variables, static variables inside functions, file-internal static variables, and SFR can be used.

Access Type



Select [Trace Output] >> [Record Reading Value].


Select [Trace Output] >> [Record Writing Value].


Select [Trace Output] >> [Record R/W Value].


A watch-expression within the current scope can be specified.
To target a watch-expression outside the current scope, select a watch-expression with a specified scope.


For access to a variable/SFR of 16-bit (2-byte) size [IECUBE]

If you want to set a Point Trace event to a variable/SFR of 16-bit (2-byte) size when using IECUBE, register each address of the higher 8-bit and the lower 8-bit of the variable/SFR in the Watch panel directly as watch-expressions (see " Register a watch-expression").

Then, set a Point Trace event to each watch-expression by using the method described in "(2) For access to a registered watch-expression".

Figure 2.122

How to Set Point Trace Event for 16-bit (2-byte) Variable/SFR [IECUBE]


By performing the above operation, it is interpreted as if a Point Trace event has been set at the target variable/SFR/watch-expression, and it is managed in the Events panel (see "2.15 Manage Events" for details).

Figure 2.123

Example of Setting Point Trace Event in Events Panel