2.9.5 Display/change local variables

Contents of local variables can be displayed and its values can be changed in the Local Variables panel below.

Select the [View] menu >> [Local Variable].

Specify the scope in the scope area to display the contents of the target local variable.

In the Local Variables panel, the name of local variables and functions are displayed. The argument of the function is also displayed as the local variable.

For details on the contents and function in each area, see the section for the Local Variables panel.

Figure 2.107

Display the Contents of Local Variables (Local Variables Panel)

(1): [Name] area

(2): [Value] area

(3): [Type (Byte Size)] area

(4): [Address] area


Nothing is displayed on this panel during execution of a program.
When the program is stopped, items in each area are displayed.


This section describes the following. Change display format of values Modify the contents of local variables Save the contents of local variables